CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS/DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS: Update: Pg2 RAW in 12bit - CHDK Releases - CHDK Forum

CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS/DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS: Update: Pg2 RAW in 12bit

  • 238 Replies
Hello Forum, First post and no doubt one you have seen a million times before from one camera model to the next.

I recieved a PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS for christmas (hopefully so did some clever clogs on these forums). Knowing nothing about CHDK it came as a suprise to me when a link on pointed me to this website and i started getting very excited about MoCap and Time Lapse among other things. since finding the site ive spent 4 hours searching, reading and watching (its 4:17AM and i should really be asleep) i really love what you've done with the software but was really disapointed to find that my camera is not yet supported. At a guess i would say this is a newish camera? and that not many if any developers have got their hands on one yet. so i was wondering how best to tackle getting things rolling on this model.

ive read a few pages on firmware dumps and submitting new models but according to this page SD770IS - CHDK Wiki a firmware dump already exists which i believe is the first step. so i was wondering what the best way is to get the port moving so i can start playing with all the new features?

i am willing to do as much as i can to help using the camera that i have, but my knowlege of programming and things is basic.

typically i was going to get the IXUS 80 which is supported, but the shop ran out of stock so i went for the slightly more expencive 85. i got my girlfriend a pink ixus 80 the week before and loved it so much i decided to get myself one, so i suppose at worst i can borrow hers to do some testing with lol.

thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: 11 / January / 2009, 13:44:23 by steve b »


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #1 on: 27 / December / 2008, 03:44:43 »
Will you make a release for my Ixus 85is (sd770) ?

Basically, the next step is finding some who
1) Owns the camera, or at least has the use of one.
2) Knows C, ARM assembler, general reverse engineering skills, etc.
3) Is willing to devote a bunch of time to the project.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #2 on: 27 / December / 2008, 09:50:31 »
ok well check on step 1) i own the camera... lol
step 2) this could be tricky due to the fact that i dont know what an ARM Assembler is and C is well above my head.
check on step 3) im willing to spend a whole bunch of time on this.

so i suppose im going to have to find someone to fill in step 2 ive spent a little of this morning running through pages and pages of the forum seeing what is involved in the next steps, compiling and so on, but it is unfortunately out of my reach i think, the only compiling ive ever done i believe was VB in college and i dont even know if that was compiling so thats me out.

however im willing to try out suff on my camera and report back with results i would even video chat over msn etc with someone to run stuff if it helped, altho im sure no one really wants to work like that. and its probably difficult to get people to work on cameras they dont own. still if anyone wants to try...

failing that can you link me to anything that might give me a fightin chance at having a go with C ive coded other languages before but mainly ones that didnt require compiling so its possible i could get my head around it.



Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #3 on: 27 / December / 2008, 19:44:11 »
failing that can you link me to anything that might give me a fightin chance at having a go with C ive coded other languages before but mainly ones that didnt require compiling so its possible i could get my head around it.
Compiling is the least of your problem. You are asking for the equivalent of several quarters of undergrad CS courses. You can certainly teach yourself this stuff on your own from books or information on the net, but it's up to you to find the resources you need and spend the time on it. If you really want to do this, Googling "learn c" "learn assembly language" etc will get you started, but don't expect to become a competent C programmer by just reading some tutorials. For most people, months of actually writing and debugging progressively more complicated programs is required to actually get it.

It's worth pointing out that if you spent the same amount of time working instead, you'd probably have enough money at the end to buy a nice DSLR, even at minimum wage (assuming you aren't in India or China etc) If you gave up after a week, you could still buy a decent powershot that's already supported.

I'm not specifically trying to discourage you, but you need to have a realistic idea of how far "I used a little bit of VB" is from where you would need to be.

Everybody who has a camera that isn't ported wants to help out, but there really isn't much you can do until a developer does most of the work.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #4 on: 30 / December / 2008, 23:52:00 »
Please someone get this thing made. I really need this in my life.

I got coal for christmas and this is all I really want. Someone kick off my new year with a CHDK for the SD770.

I'm even whining like a 7 year old for this thing...javascript:void(0);


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Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #5 on: 01 / January / 2009, 11:32:09 »
I've also got a SD770.

I am a programmer, I know plenty of ARM assembly, C, and I have access to a lab with a scope and logic analyzer.

I don't have a ton of time, but I suspect that the meat of this porting is not that complicated if you have the skill set required.

Can someone with time do what they can to put relevant info here or in the wiki page?  I'll see what I can do with the info that you find.

The wiki is here:
SD770IS - CHDK Wiki

Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #6 on: 05 / January / 2009, 12:55:50 »
 :D Partial success on the sd770 / ixus 85 IS

I'm using the base from the ixus80 sd1100 and after some hacking it now boots and shows the splash screen

keys are still broken, so I will post a binary image when that works (tomorrow ?)


Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #7 on: 07 / January / 2009, 10:12:03 »
here is the work-in-progress DISKBOOT.BIN for the ixus 85 IS / SD770 with firmware 100a

things that work:

- menu, histogram, debug stuff, various overrides

things that don't work:

- RAW stuff is not done yet, movie override not done yet

continuous bracketing crashes presumably due to broken RAW support

also, this image flashes the orange LED before and after loading the image. that's just a debug feature for now.


Offline kayec

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Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #8 on: 07 / January / 2009, 11:12:40 »

Re: CHDK for PowerShot SD770 IS / DIGITAL IXUS 85 IS
« Reply #9 on: 08 / January / 2009, 00:13:10 »
The last time I checked this Wiki there was nothing happening on the SD770 IS...this conversation just made my day, most likely my week, and probably my month.  Awesome, keep it up.


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