Hardware MPEG compression and de-compression. - General Chat - CHDK Forum

Hardware MPEG compression and de-compression.

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Hardware MPEG compression and de-compression.
« on: 01 / January / 2009, 23:20:49 »

I am posting the following information for the benefit of interested parties or CHDK developers interested in programming or experimenting with hardware MPEG compression and decompression.

I collect technical documents for my own education and interests.
I do not condone the piracy of pay or encrypted cable TV.
I will not answer any question relating to illegal activities.

To my knowledge the URL's posted contain the manufacturer's technical specifications on how to program the sti5500 series of chips. The sti5518 assembler and dis-assembler is not manufacturer sanctioned. It is incomplete and will only give an experienced programmer a guide on how the sti5500 family of chips function.

The sti5518 is a good source of MPEG decoder knowledge and may be of assistance in the understanding of hardware MPEG compression and decompression.

80% of SD set top boxes on the world market contain an sti5500 family of chips. There is an integrated CPU, OS, hardware MPEG decoder, high speed serial ports, HD controller, all in one chip package. Most of the time SD set top boxes fail because the switched mode power supply is defective. For the consumer, it is cheaper to purchase a new box than having it repaired. Usually the power supply to the switching chip fails because the dropping resistor goes open circuit. For experimental use, an equivalent power supply can be derived from a computer power supply. 

Google search for sti5518:
403 Forbidden

sti5518 datasheet:
STI5518 Datasheet pdf - Single-Chip Set-Top Box Decoder with Hard Disk Drive and MP3 - ST Microelectronics

sti5518 technical specification and programming:

sti5518 programming:

sti5518 assembler and dis-assembler:
Sti 5518 Assembler and Disassembler - FTABins.NET :: The Greatest FTA Community on the NET!
You will have to register to download the file.


I am not interested in anyone posting illegal activities. If there is an abuse of this post, please delete the post.


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