looks like g9_100i.7z is not correct:
g9\100i\strings.txt --> Firmware Ver GM1.00I
g9\100i_full\strings.txt --> Firmware Ver GM1.00F --> should be g9\100f
In the g9_100i zip an additional old 100f dump was mixed-in, now cleared & updated:
http://drop.io/chdkdumps/asset/g9-100ig9_100f.7z : should be removed...
Checked G9_100f.7z, it's ok; since the 100i is cleared now, we need this 100f dump, thus not removed it therefore...
checked all other files... everything else seems to be correct...
found so other little mistakes and created missind strings.txt ...
The dumps are ok for Windows platform, for OS'es with case-sensitive filenames fudgeys script can be used.
The dumps works fine with the signature finder, also with IDA.
For the Linux toolchain/disassembly: i'll have a look to it & do some tests with sigfinder/IDA before changing them...
I'm not sure whether md5 'validation' is needed, but it's your choice (and time
I'm not a 'control freak' or so, but since we had some issues with virus scanners here in the past and the permission system in drop.io is not very good, i don't want to give the admin pw away.