First I wish to thank past efforts by Jeff666 and Zeno for helping to develop the "Dial Mode" CHDK code for the A570 and other cameras. This feature was critical to my love of capture pictures from a kite. This innovative code enabled both still photos and videos to be collected during the same flight via scripts!
I have picked up a used G9 (via Ebay) and was lucky as the firmware 1.00d supports CHDK.
My specific request is for support to place the "Dial Mode" code into the base CHDK code for all cameras and specifically for the G9. Please advise on best path forward.
The following is text from prior posts related to the 570 work. I place it here to illustrate the specific request.
Happy New Year to all CHDKers out there. Keep up the excellent work.
************ Copy from prior post ***************
Currently the standard CHDK builds do not support script access to the Mode Dial, so it's not possible for a script to switch from taking photos to taking a video for example. However, one CHDK expert, Jeff666, wrote some experimental code that added this capability, and I've undertaken to add it to current builds, for some cameras at least. The support adds a new set of 'buttons' that scripts can press: dm_auto turns the dial to Auto mode
dm_movie turns the dial to movie mode
dm_m turns the dial to manual mode
dm_p turns the dial to program mode (A570 and A720)
dm_av turns the dial to aperture value mode (A570 and A720)
dm_tv turns the dial to time or shutter speed mode (A570 and A720)
To change the mode, a script needs to press the appropriate button. It's very important that before the script ends, or turns the dial to another mode that the button is released, as in these two examples.
Shoot a picture in Auto Mode Shoot a 5-second Movie
// go into auto mode (and put a message on the LCD to say so)
print "Auto"
press "dm_auto"
sleep 1000
// take a picture
sleep 1000
// now go back to previous mode
release "dm_auto"
// go into movie mode (and put a message on the LCD to say so)
print "Movie"
press "dm_movie"
sleep 1000
press "shoot_full"
sleep 300
release "shoot_full"
rem start of video delay loop
sleep 5000
rem shoot again to turn video off
press "shoot_full"
sleep 300
release "shoot_full"
sleep 1000
release "dm_movie"