Bondo, I agree with your thoughts. I found a number of IR circuits which use correction circuits to overcome the problems. The good quality circuits use a pulse sequence to transmit and receive the signal to correct for IR problems in sunlight. I live in Perth, Australia. In the summer months the cheaper IR motion sensors false trigger where the good commercial designs keep working. My understanding from talking to the manufacturers representatives is that the good detectors are both component matched for high temperature and sunlight IR filtering.
The trouble with IR remotes is that you need a line of sight for the devices to work. The last thing you want is a remote in a photo if you are taking a picture of yourself.
RF radio-controlled devices for switching a camera are hard to find in Australia. The commercial devices used for alarms are expensive and need adapting. Remote door bell controllers are common but the remote device is bulky.
I found a number of novelty devices on the Jaycar Electronics site which use RF control, have a small activator and relatively cheap; under $20 AUS.
Jaycar ElectronicsIn the top right hand search box type:
remote burp
remote farter
remote giggle
The devices should be relatively easy to modify. If the voltage drive is sufficient, taking an output from either side of the loudspeaker should be enough, otherwise a transistor driver off the loudspeaker should do. On the plus side anyone in a group photo will hear the audio and know when the photo is taken.
When I have time, I will visit Jaycar, purchase a device and modify it. I will post my results.