@damcannon For what its worth, you can purchase the Mini USB plugs and make up your own cable.
Either use
this sparkfun link or ... Ebay... search
"10 Pin Mini USB Plug Male Socket Connector" (whichever actually matches the camera) if you genuinely need the bottom row of pins with the AV signals, or search for
"5 Pin Mini USB Plug Male Socket Connector" if you only actually require the standard top row of USB pins needed to make up a remote trigger of some sort. This will bring up numerous suppliers, expect to pay between 10 and 50 pence/cents/euro-cents each for the 5 pin types +P&P, more for the others, and they will be cheaper in bulk of course.
Two problems remain, the first is that you need to be able to solder *very* small wires on to *very* small pins.
Pro Tip: Use *very* fine heat-shrink tubing and/or
"pot" your completed connector with wax or silicone for a more robust finish. This will make it impossible to rework the connector afterwards, but will also make it *much* more robust.
The second is that you haven't quite explained why you need to know which pins are which... To make a USB remote, you only need to follow the many instructions in this thread, or elsewhere on this forum for cannibalising a standard Mini USB cable, this only needs the standard USB pins (you could also therefore use a 5 pin connector as I just suggested).
If however you have a genuine need to break out the AV pins for some particular purpose, then let us us know, as you have stirred my imagination.
One thing I have spotted is that with the 11 pin Cannon connector, you can effectively turn off the LCD to save battery life with a suitable plug. If you read the
above link from Google/waterwingz it states "To enable video output on cable and turn off LCD, connect Video Out Enable to Ground." In other words, linking pins 6 and 11 (with a 1k resistor if you feel scared) *may* switch of your camera display and increase battery life, this will theoretically work on *any* camera that has the AV pins populated, which I would imagine includes most of those where there is no optical viewfinder, and thus no way to switch off the display using the buttons.
One other small point I would make is that there is no "standard" for these AV pins, (or indeed for overpopulated USB connectors in general) so for example HTC phones and the GoPro Hero camera seem to use entirely different configurations, so take care if you are tempted to try any modded Canon cable on a non-Canon device or any non Canon cable on your Canon camera.