ROM:FF810194 LDR SP, =0x40001000ROM:FF810198 B loc_FFA48FC0
Well this looks as good a place as any to post porting related information:The memory layout is changed a bit from from the Digic II and III cams:regions 2 and 3 (corresponding to cached and uncached views of main memory) are 128M instead of the 32M or occasionally 64M found on current CHDK cameras.region 3 is located at 0x40000000 instead of 0x10000000The data TCM, which usually lives at 0x40000000 is bumped up to 0x80000000...
"MOV R0, #0x80000006\n" // all others have 0x4...
void *vid_get_bitmap_fb() { return (void*)0x40471000; // dispcon* functions and BmpDDev.c}void *vid_get_viewport_fb(){ return (void *)0x407F6DC0; // search on VRAM Address}void *vid_get_viewport_fb_d(){ return (void*)(*(int*)0x525C); // sub_FF85AF14 0x5210 + 0x4C}char *camera_jpeg_count_str(){ return (char *)0x4AF18; // search on "9999"}
DEF(physw_status, 0x11318) // 0xFF8219DC ShowPhySwStatusDEF(physw_run, 0x1c28) // 0x1C1C + 0xC @0xFF821894 task_PhySwDEF(FlashParamsTable,0xFFB499F4) // sub_FFA58670, search for ParameterManager.cDEF(zoom_busy, 0x8A1c) // 0x8A08 + 0x14, found in sub_FF93368 search on "ZoomLens"DEF(focus_busy, 0x8914) // 0x890C + 0x8, via _sub_FF92E770__FocusLensController_c__201 and comparison to s5isDEF(movie_status, 0x53DC) // 0x53A0 + 0x3C? via loc_FF861EAC and _sub_FF860E64__MovieRecorder_c__0
So, if the sensor records images with 12 bit per pixel, enabling the RAW format would be a great advantage over 8bit JPEG, right?
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