Resetting caused the effect to go away. Now I just have to go set everything up again.
Oh, now i remember....thx reyalP
I'm still not able to get bracketing to work, but maybe its operator error. I set everything up the way you suggested. When bracketing do I have to hold the button down, or does it automatically do the three bracket pictures?
a) First you have to adjust the Canon custom timer mode (see page 75 of the SD990 manual, pdf version, see image 1)
Set it to
"Delay"=2 seconds,
"Shots"=3 This settings will be stored by the camera, so you have to set up this only once...
b) Then set up the CHDK Bracketing:
"TV bracketing value" = [2 Ev]
"Brackting type" = [+/-] If you
disable "Clear bracket values on start", then the settings will be saved,
otherwise you have to set them up again each time you've powered off the camera.
c) Now let's bracket:- Switch to the "Custom-Timer" mode of the camera (press the DOWN button until you see the (c) symbol)
- Half-press & hold the shutter to focus
- then full-press the shutter button & release it
- hold the camera, do not move...
-> Now the camera waits for 2 seconds (the Delay value you set up in the menu),
-> then the camera will take 3 shots (as setup with "Shots"=3 in the menu) with the CHDK bracketing:
1st shot with the camera's default exposure,
the 2nd shot with +2 Ev (overexposured)
and the 3rd shot with -2 Ev (underexposured)