_sub_FF8EA47C__BmpDDev_c__134 ... MOV R0, #0x2D0 ; 720 MOV R1, #0xF0 ; 240 STR R0, [R4] ; *arg0 = width STR R1, [R5] ; *arg1 = height STR R0, [R6] ; *arg2 = width LDR R0, =0x40471000 ; bmp base STR R0, [R7] ; *arg3 = base MOV R0, #1 STR R0, [R8,#0xC] ; *(0x7D98 + C) = 1 MOV R0, #0 LDMFD SP!, {R4-R8,PC}
@reyalp:Shooting override works correctly for SD990, if shoot button is pressed quickly?For SX10 we have in this case real shutter speed from camera settings... and CHDK shutter speed in JPEG EXIF .
Also saw taskCreateHook2. Is there some problem I should check for to see if I need this ?
workaround from sx10 helps, but doesn't work if flash is triggered
quick press = Tv 1/60, flash fires
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