I brought my own SD card and I thought I could play a little with CHDK on the camera. But I couldn't check the firmware. When I pressed set+disp the firmware didn't show up. I had both the ver.req and vers.req files on the SD card. Can that be a problem? Does anyone have an idea why the firmware check didn't work? That's why I hesitated to load CHDK. But maybe I was just too hasty and forgot to switch to the play mode.
Are there any other known firmwares except 1.00e? A european firmware maybe? The exif data in my testshots only says version 1.00.
Another point is the blurriness in the corners which is quite obvious. Comparing the photos here:http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/SD990IS/SD990ISA7.HTMand here:http://www.dkamera.de/testberichte/canon/digital-ixus-980-is/beispielaufnahmen- I get the impression that could be too blurry for me. Still, for the small size of the camera, the photos are great and RAW gives a lot opportunities for compensation. When I open the pictures in Adobe Bridge I get all the Camera Raw options for improving the photos.
But compared to the Canon G10, especially concerning the corners, I think I may be happier with the G10. What do you think?
720x240 bitmap display looks better, chdk logo is still messed up, color pallet appears to be different. Canon advertises a "23000 dot display" (720x320 ?) but perhaps this applies to the live view and not the bitmap.
@title Diagonal Method@line 0,0, 269,239, 26@line 0,239, 269,0, 26@line 90,0, 359,239, 26@line 90,239, 359,0, 26
@title Diagonal Method 720*240 @line 0,0, 538,239, 26@line 0,239, 538,0, 26@line 180,0, 719,239, 26@line 180,239, 719,0, 26
- tweaked battery high/low values. Note, these are stored in cfg, so unless you reset your cfg you won't see any change.
QuoteAre there any other known firmwares except 1.00e? A european firmware maybe? The exif data in my testshots only says version 1.00.No other firmwares are known at this time.
On a SD990 shipped this week I'm seeing a firmware version of 1.01B , so it appears they may have just upped it.
Quote from: adamp on 06 / June / 2009, 11:55:04On a SD990 shipped this week I'm seeing a firmware version of 1.01B , so it appears they may have just upped it.If you have this camera, please get a dump and post in the http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/board,5.0.html forum. udumper with newdryos should work on this camera. You can find more information on the wiki http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Porting_the_CHDK
You can also try the current 100e port. Occasionally the changes between canon firmwares are small enough that a new CHDK is not needed, although I'd expect that 100 to 101 indicates a bigger change. Running the wrong version probably just crash your camera, but the usual disclaimers apply http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#Q._Can_CHDK_damage_your_camera_.3F
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