i used the CHDK-Shell with the trunk (707) version. The fi2.inc.txt was renamed to fi2.inc and edited with the right keys.
In the GUI under "compile options" i set the "OPT_FI2" flag. After compiling for the ixus80 (101a) i take the ps.fi2
of the archive out to the root of my SD-Card (removed the DISKBOOT.BIN). After turn the Camera on i don't so the menuentry for firmware-update (in both modes play/record).
Firmware update menu item should be available, when a file named "
PS.FI2" is placed on the card's root dir & the camera is started in playback mode (only the presence of the file is necessary, the content will be not checked at this moment).
When you switch between playback and record mode, the menu item will not be available.
After activating the firmware update procedure the camera checks the PS.FI2 file - if it is not correctly encrypted or has the wrong P-ID number the file will be rejected with an error message.
So if you don't have the fw update menu item, something is going wrong when you store the file to your memory card...is there a difference between locked / unlocked card ?
BTW - there's no need to delete the diskboot.bin, you can also use the fw update method also from a running CHDK...