Welcome to the club.

It's been like this since day one. Long before the Wikia, long before the ScratchPad Wikia, and much longer than this forum. Out of the chaos comes brief glimpses of order and it can be recorded in the Wikia in a "semi correct" place. Then someone discovers something new and chaos ensues yet again.

Somehow, and I don't know how, it all falls into place eventually.

Anyone who wants to help sort and suggest better ways to make sense of the ongoing chaos is
more than welcome to help out!
I strongly suspect once acseven gets a better grasp of the subjects, and how they are being discussed and refered to other subjects, he (or others) might see a better forum hierarchy convention. But there's never going to be a clear-cut solution. I think it's just the nature of the beast. Look at the main Wikia for example. That was a voluminous effort by over 2 dozen people trying to make sense of the chaos.
p.s. Starting a thread in the best forum available at the moment will help. I'll go move this thread to that section. Funny that a post about forum chaos was started in the wrong category. ;D (see how that happens now?)