Well, I couldn't find anything here so I'm starting from scratch for the A590 1.01b version. I've not used ida before so it took a few tries to learn the basics there. Then there was the not-quite-right wiki docs for A590. Finally by trial and error I have started on a rewarding decode / markup. At the moment I'm less than a quarter way but there are some signs of goodies like a debug console and serial connection, be nice if that came out on the USB connector.
I'm doing a linear scan of the firmware marking text and code as I come to it. Sign of getting the start address right is when ida scoots off for a long while following the code about. Ida marked about 2/3 of the firmware with gaps, now I'm scanning through that area.
I know the top of the ROM space has sound and image files, and other data stuff not yet decoded.
Quite enjoying this, haven't done ARM before, that the last program I reverse engineered was a 330kB ms-dos thing in the mid-80s, this this is enormous.
If there's another thread where people are contributing code labels and stuff for DryOS I'd like to know about it. I also would like advice on repetitive sequences that could be code or some form of marker, but perhaps that will become clear as I markup more of the firmware.