here is another one I did last night, in my back garden. 60 frames at 64 seconds.
Camera settings.Exposure time 64 seconds.
Aperture, f2.6.
ISO, 200.
Review, off (important)
Noise reduction, off (important)
Interval meter settings.Delay 1st shot, 5 seconds.
Number of Shots, 60 (or any number you want).
Interval, 0.
Set your camera up on a good and stable tripod. You don't want any camera movement.
The settings above are setup to keep the shutter open as long as possible during the shoot.
Youe need to take a dark frame during the shoot. I normally do it at the beginning, but you must let your camera warm up for about 10 minutes before your take it.
Now your camera is set up, point were you want and set if off. Retire to some were warm.
Post processing.I shoot in raw, because I can and it makes doing the dark frame subtraction easier.
Software I use:
1. Do the dark frame subtraction, the more frames your taken the longer this is going to take.
2. Using The GIMP (or any half decent images editor with layers) open the first frame.
3. Click and drag the next frame on to the first. this should add another layer to your first frame.
4. In layer mode chose 'lighten only'.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 till you finish. Or you get board.
Tip. As you add more and more layers the computer has to do more work. After about 8 layer go to flatten image, this merges all the layers together and you can carry on adding more layers.
If you have any more questions I'll try and answer them.