Hi everyone, I just tried sunsetF16, it dies on sunset line 12, initConfig:
It says current_tv is null.
Has anyone else experienced similar problems?
BTW, As much as I like the concept of LUALIB libraries, I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that there's just not enough confidence that any of them, e.g. date.lua, is inter-operable between different scripts that use it. There should probably be at least a numeric suffix, so let's just assume SunsetF15 uses Date.lua Version 1, then Date.lua is modified for SunsetF16, now SunsetF15 is possibly broken. It seems like a nice idea, but in practice, with many people developing, I think I'm going to stick with merging the library functions into the mainline script.
Also, huge kudos, to whoever started emu.lua, I like the concept and hope it continues to be developed. For example, I quickly found that it didn't have get_zoom() or set_zoom(), which were easy enough to add.