Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua - page 2 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua

  • 40 Replies
Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #10 on: 02 / September / 2009, 22:01:08 »
>>anyone have issues with the length of exposure setting?

it simply doesn't pay attention to that. does the image look overexposed?

>>Had a problem with downloading
>>Contain a number of extraneous folders and a number of zero content files.

Not sure about the problem, looks fine to me. Maybe your download didn't complete

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #11 on: 05 / September / 2009, 17:56:33 »
I have tried sunsetF16 today and it worked great, except for one thing: it did not focus to infinity, while I set r to 1. I think I have found the reason:
The function cam.smartShoot (in cam.lua) does not contain any focusing commands. I think it would need something like set_focus(focusDistance) before the shoot() command:
Code: [Select]
function cam.smartShoot(tv,sv,focusDistance)
  if(tv ~= nil)then set_prop(propcase.TV,tv) end
  if(sv ~= nil)then set_prop(propcase.SV,sv) end



local bv=get_bv96()
local av=get_av96()

  return bv, av

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #12 on: 15 / September / 2009, 19:14:15 »
I've tried sunsetf16.lua and it only shot one frame, and shut the camera off. Any hints, or am I just impatient?  Run on Powershot SD890 IS camera.


Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #13 on: 03 / October / 2009, 08:51:14 »
Canon SD 1100

:86: attempt to call field 'deleteUntilMbFree100CANON' (a nil value)

Any ideas?

Log File:

--- Log opened at 2009/10/03 20:37:12 ---
platform: ixus80_sd1100 101a
version: CHDK 0.9.8-810 built on Sep 28 2009 06:50:22
Sunset F15
Parameters (user given in paranthesis)
min_delay:   15 s
max_tv:   -576   (65 s)
default_sv:   419   (ISO 100)
max_sv:   707   (ISO 800)
histo_under_start:   0   (0)
histo_under_end:   23   (23)
histo_under_limit:   30
histo_under_weight:   0
histo_over_start:   160   (160)
histo_over_end:   1023   (1023)
histo_over_limit:   4
histo_over_weight:   0
histo_median_value:   80   (80)
histo_median_weight:   50
focus_to_inf:   1
jpg_quality:   -1   (no change)
jpg_resolution:   -1   (no change)
startupdelay:   0 min

##   Time   Frame   bv   night_correct   day_correct   dusk_factor   correct   current_tv   smoothed_tv   shoot_tv   shoot_sv   Topt   Tccd   Tbat
« Last Edit: 03 / October / 2009, 20:41:37 by soulf2 »

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #14 on: 03 / October / 2009, 21:02:00 »
Canon SD 1100

:86: attempt to call field 'deleteUntilMbFree100CANON' (a nil value)

Any ideas?

Fixed... Started from scratch and re-downloaded and replaced all the files. Works great now.

Many thanks for the script!


Offline fbonomi

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Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #15 on: 15 / October / 2009, 15:15:18 »
There is a problem with this script (problem that is probably present in my original version too) with all cameras that - like the SD1100 (Ixus 80) - have no real aperture/iris.

You can see the problem in the first video posted here by soulf2:,4364.msg41550.html

At about 13", there is a sudden flash.

This flash is caused by the camera's ND filter (wich is left alone by the script) suddenly shutting off...

I mean, the script runs ok, but the camera puts the ND filter during the day (when pointing at the bright sky) and suddenly decides to take it off, causing a strong flash, as the script does not know about the filter and sets the exposure accordingly.

I don't have a "clean" solution to the problem.....

A possible workaround would be to force the ND filter OFF via the CHDK overrdides menu (I haven't been able to control the ND filter properly via script commands) and then adjusting the exposure accordingly (under-exposing by 3 stops) when (and if) the camera decides to put the ND filter on.....

mattkime, (or anyone else) do you have any brighter idea?
« Last Edit: 15 / October / 2009, 15:18:00 by fbonomi »


Offline fbonomi

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    • Francesco Bonomi
Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #16 on: 15 / October / 2009, 15:52:14 »
Actually, the script is reading the aperture "correctly", i.e. the ND filter is felt:

Extracted from soulf2's log:

Code: [Select]
Measured: 1224 575, Calculated: 1068
Measured: 835 575, Calculated: 679
Measured: 823 292, Calculated: 950
Measured: 813 292, Calculated: 940
Measured: 809 292, Calculated: 936

you clearly see the "aperture" jump from 575 to 292, and the difference is 283, quite close to 96*3...

so, it could work...

probably the problem is that line 83

is actually called AFTER line 214:
local calculated_tv=bv-av+default_sv

So the exposure is calculated based on the "aperture" of the PREVIOUS shot....

So if might be a SINGLE faulty exposure, but due to the "smoothing" the flash is made longer.....

soulf2, could you post the complete log somewhere?

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #17 on: 15 / October / 2009, 16:40:08 »
No problem....

Download @

It should include all 3 days of logs.   :)

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #18 on: 25 / November / 2009, 15:05:36 »
The time gap between photos increases to over 2 min after the sun goes down.

Reducing the max exposure to 20 or 30s and increasing the picsAnHour does not appear to close the gap.

How do I decrease the gap to take 1 or 2 photos/min?

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #19 on: 25 / November / 2009, 15:41:01 »
I really need to do another pass over the script. I got it working for my purposes but I need to account for other people's intentions.

which cameras have a ND filter? Most of my experience is with an a650.

One problem I believe I corrected over the previous versions is that the exposure calc matches the current exposure. Its something to verify. Small changes in lighting as is common with timelapse tends to hide the problem. I'll check this in my script and perhaps upload an updated version.

I do have a similar problem on camera setup. my current script throws away the first exposure for this reason. i have no idea why it happens but it does. just can't get the exposure correctly the first time. i don't think i see the problem except for the first frame.

oh, if any smooth code is in use, i removed it from my current version. would be easy to put back in.

I suspect that we might be talking about two different version of the script.

>>How do I decrease the gap to take 1 or 2 photos/min?

I'm not sure off the top of my head. Its possible that you're hitting against the dark frame after each exposure.


Great to hear about someone taking my code for a spin. Hopefully i can help you solve a few of these problems.


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