Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua - page 3 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua

  • 40 Replies
Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #20 on: 18 / January / 2010, 12:03:01 »
hi, i've been using this script on a sx200. It worked fine until about three weeks ago. When i turn on the script it takes a really long exposure, almost infinitely, it never finish that photo. This happen even when i put exposure limit in 1 second, can anyone help me?

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #21 on: 21 / February / 2010, 15:23:17 »
version 1.0.1 of sunsetF16.lua

- fixed infrequent crash.

Hi mattkime.
I think that your timelapse is the best that i have found!
Im using With a canon A470 and Canon Sx110is.
I noticed that using the last version. If i set pics hours on the canon a470 at 360 the script shoots every 25 seconds instead of 10 seconds. With previous versions was more accurate.
Im using build 0.9.9, revision 874 but i tested also with previous releases.

p.s. in the changelog you say:
- fixed infrequent crash. How was happening this crash? Because with this release (always with a470 that is my battle photocamera) sometime i found the camera turned off... With lens retracted like if i shut down the camera. Sometime happen after 4 hours sometime after 20hours...
Im trying to understand if is software or powersupply problems.
Best regards and thankyou for the script.

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #22 on: 21 / February / 2010, 15:25:25 »
hi, i've been using this script on a sx200. It worked fine until about three weeks ago. When i turn on the script it takes a really long exposure, almost infinitely, it never finish that photo. This happen even when i put exposure limit in 1 second, can anyone help me?
Before was working and now doesn't work?
Did you try to go in CHDK\DATA
and delete all the files related to sunset?

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #23 on: 21 / February / 2010, 15:41:16 »
version 1.0.1 of sunsetF16.lua

- fixed infrequent crash.

Hi mattkime.
I think that your timelapse is the best that i have found!
Im using With a canon A470 and Canon Sx110is.
I noticed that using the last version. If i set pics hours on the canon a470 at 360 the script shoots every 25 seconds instead of 10 seconds. With previous versions was more accurate.
Im using build 0.9.9, revision 874 but i tested also with previous releases.

I deleted the log (was 16mb long) and now seems work fine.
Can be a too big log the cause? Is possible to deactivate the log or the log is used to load the previous exposition?

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #24 on: 15 / March / 2010, 14:07:37 »
I've tried sunsetf16.lua and it only shot one frame, and shut the camera off. Any hints, or am I just impatient?  Run on Powershot SD890 IS camera.


I know this is an older post but,

Check the number of photos per hour setting, if it's too low and your camera power saving settings are on, the camera may turn off before the next picture.

I had a similar issue on my S3is, the default for the script was 12 pics per hour, so the camera would turn off before the picture work be taken. Either reset the power saving or set the script value to a higher number of shots.

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #25 on: 06 / April / 2010, 03:56:50 »
Many thanks for the script - works really well on my SX200is

Is there any way to incorporate some of the power saving methods some other scripts have - either the "display off" method or at the very least the backlight off?


Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #26 on: 04 / May / 2010, 22:29:28 »
I have 2 questions with this script in particular and more generalties:
-Is it possible to run sunsetf16 on my s90?
-I see that several scripts who ran with my a590 doesn't work with the s90: for each script I use to run with my a590, I have to find a new version or another script for the s90?


Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #27 on: 02 / October / 2010, 13:44:22 »
is this script can work in the a590is?is it fit it?my cam is a590is and the chdk is the 1o1b 0.9.9 953.thanks a lot!
This is a new version of the sunset time lapse script.

The script has been modified to achieve several goals -

- Move functionality that would be useful for other scripts into library files.
- Separate code into functions based on intended functionality (i.e. initCamera, initScript, calcNextExposure) and move functions into script specific library to increase script readability
- Save settings and exposure data so they may persist through script resets

built up the work of fbonomi and fudgey -,2156.msg20057.html

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #28 on: 02 / October / 2010, 13:47:26 »
hi, Is it possible to run sunsetF16 on my a590?thks!
i am sorry for my pour english.

Re: Night-time time-lapse - sunsetF16.lua
« Reply #29 on: 29 / August / 2011, 00:41:55 »
Question: What in this script makes it dependent on Collaborative Build? Is it something that is core to the script's abilities or something that could be excluded? Or alternatively, is whatever it requires from Collaborative Build something that will eventually be implemented in the main build so this dependency can go away? Given the purpose of the script it's rather unfortunate that it cannot be used with any of the newer models that have good low light performance.  :(
SX100, S3


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