could you suggest one, I have looked at a few and tried but they could be only for other cameras, (don't know if all scripts work with all cameras),,the last one i tried was this one:
@title md split h3
@param a Columns
@default a 8
@param b Rows
@default b 6
@param c Threshold (0-255)
@default c 10
@param d compare Interval (millisecs)
@default d 80
@param e Begin Triggering Delay(secs)
@default e 20
@param f Rows
@default f 1
@param g pix step(speed/accuracy adj)
@default g 8
@param h reg mode(0-no,1-incl,2-excl)
@default h 2
@param i measure mode(1-Y,0-U,2-V)
@default i 1
if a<1 then let a=1
if b<1 then let b=1
if c<0 then let c=0
if g<1 then let g=1
if f<1 then let f=1
let e=e*1000
print ">[";a;",";b;"] threshold: ";c
let x=30000
for z=0 to 10000
let t=0
rem /--/-columns, rows to split picture into
rem | |
rem | | measure mode (Y,U,V R,G,B) - U-0, Y-1, V-2, 3-R, 4-G, 5-B
rem | | |
rem | | | timeout
rem | | | | comparison interval (msec)
rem | | | | | threshold ( difference in cell to trigger detection)
rem | | | | | | draw_grid (0-no, 1-yes)
rem | | | | | | | return variable. number of cells with motion detected
rem | | | | | | | |
rem | | | | | | | |
rem | | | | | | | | region (masking) mode: 0-no regions, 1-include, 2-exclude
rem | | | | | | | | | region first column
rem | | | | | | | | | | region first row
rem | | | | | | | | | | | region last column
rem | | | | | | | | | | | | region last row
rem | | | | | | | | | | | | | parameters- 1-make immediate shoot, 2-log debug information into file. OR-ed values are accepted
rem | | | | | | | | | | | | | | pixels step - speed vs. Accuracy adjustments (1-use every pixel, 2-use every second pixel, etc)
rem | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | number of milliseconds to wait before begin triggering - can be useful for calibration with "draw_grid" option
rem | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
rem V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
md_detect_motion a, b, i, x, d, c, 1, t, h, 1, 1, a, f , 0, g, e
if t<1 then goto "zzz"
click "shoot_full"
rem sleep 10
rem release "shoot_full"
next z