The image shows the output of my script. The white is the actual signal, the red is how my program is interpreting it. The malformed bytes were because of a bad recording, my most recent doesn't produce any errors. In the background is the contents of my script output file in a hex editor.
Though, if the 0xFF values represent filler bytes can I safely assume the rest of the dump would have all been 0xFF values too?
However, dec.exe won't accept the output of my script. It says "read 0 bytes...", writes an empty dump.dat file and exits. I had a look at the source of dec.exe, but I don't know C so I'm kind of confused. My script just writes the transmitted bytes directly to a file, including the header, address, and crc bytes.
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); // Move the current read position to the end of file. len = ftell(f); // Get the current position. It will be the file size because above it's moved to the end. data = malloc(len); // Allocate memory buffe for whole file content fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); // Move the current read position to the start of file. r = fread(data,1, len, f); // Read 'len' bytes from the file to the memory buffer. 'r' will contain the number of bytes readed actually. printf("read %d bytes... \n", r);
I then added 0xff values to make it the full 4096 kb.
I suppose I'd best go back and try to get the end of the firmware for you.
I did ask if that was a safe assumption, and GrAnd did say that it was.
So, do not rush to get the rest dump.
Started by acseven General Discussion and Assistance
Started by RyeBrye Firmware Dumping
Started by RyeBrye General Discussion and Assistance
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