Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera - page 5 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera

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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #40 on: 19 / February / 2009, 17:05:14 »
So you basically distribute a binary of which you dont know what its doing in the background, and which can clearly harm the OS? How come you trust the author like that?

That author could in theory have coded a hidden keylogger in there, or something like that..

The author is also the author of StereoPhoto Maker which nearly all if not all users of SDM also use and have been using for years so there if plenty of reason to trust him.

However unfortunate the accident, this could have happened with any software that is able to do formatting or partitioning including the OS's build-in tools.

Implying that malicious code could be included is like you say "theory" which is true for any software and that is why everyone should have an up-to-date virus scanner and use good judgment as well as taking extra care and double check when using potentially harmful software.  



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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #41 on: 19 / February / 2009, 17:11:33 »
I see. Apparently i made a complete as?s out of myself. I humbly apologize. May generations of CHDK users read that and silently hate me..
« Last Edit: 19 / February / 2009, 17:14:13 by Hacki »


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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #42 on: 19 / February / 2009, 17:18:09 »

although i agree with your line of reasoning, this:

but you don't know the binary was made from that source

can be verified by binary comparison of the distributed program and the binary obtained by compiling the source.



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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #43 on: 19 / February / 2009, 17:22:59 »
Nevertheless, having program sources, we could find and correct errors fast.

can be verified by binary comparison of the distributed program and the binary obtained by compiling the source.

Binaries are very compiler and compiler settings dependent.


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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #44 on: 19 / February / 2009, 19:02:26 »
For equally clear reasons nobody is likely to try and reproduce this behavior

How I reproduced this behavior, sdminst again destroyed partition table of hard disk on my ... virtual computer :), but I restored its previuos state in two mouse clicks. So, under virtual machine sdminst cannot damage something in real computer, but it can make partitions on real SD cards.


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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #45 on: 20 / February / 2009, 02:56:28 »
this was bound to happen... i will refrain from more comments ;)
luckily you were able to restore the partition.
how does whim do it in cardtricks? imo he checks if the selected drive is marked as removable drive, isnt it so? making it impossible to select a harddisk.


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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #46 on: 20 / February / 2009, 03:35:52 »

like this:

; @HomeDrive  = Drive letter of drive containing current user's home directory.
; $here = path to CardTricks program

Local $illegal = StringLeft(@HomeDrive,1) & StringLeft(@SystemDir, 1) & StringLeft($here, 1)

   $card_drive = FileSelectFolder( "Select your SD Card drive - Please note that only 'Removable' or" & @CRLF & _
                                                 "'Unknown' (and 'Fixed' if selected) drive types will be" & @CRLF & _
                                                "accepted; select Cancel if no drive selectable.", _
                                                "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}", 2, "", $cardmenu )   ; 'My Computer'
   If $card_drive = "" Then ExitLoop
   $card_drive = StringLeft($card_drive, 3)   ; ignore selected subdir
   Switch DriveGetType($card_drive)
      Case "Removable", "Unknown"
         $acceptable = True
      Case "Fixed"
         If IsChecked($chk_fix_disk) Then
            $acceptable = True
            $acceptable = False
      Case Else
         $acceptable = False

Until ( StringInStr($illegal, StringLeft($card_drive, 1)) = 0 ) And  $acceptable


Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #47 on: 20 / February / 2009, 06:16:40 »
i will refrain from more comments ;)

That is a good boy, now you are starting to behave.

Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #48 on: 20 / February / 2009, 06:18:32 »
How I reproduced this behavior

I have all the information I need, which OS are you using  ?


Offline ewavr

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Re: Can SDM and CHDK be on the same SDHC card In-Camera
« Reply #49 on: 20 / February / 2009, 06:26:58 »
which OS are you using  ?
Windows XP Professional SP3 in real computer, Windows 7 beta in virtual machine.


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