the results aren't always consistent
the brightness in another light bulb test only seemed to decrease until 1/20.000
I did another test with sunlight (pointing at the -cloudy- sky)
first test the brightness kept decreasing until 1/20000
2nd test it decreased until 1/40000
however it happens that for example the 7th bracketed picture (1/40000s) is darker than the 4th (1/20000s), while the 5th and 6th are a bit brighter than the 4th or of similar brightness.
I guess in my cam's case the shutter override values that would need to be added would be the ones with these prop cases:
1308 ~1/12500
1340 ~1/16000
1372 ~1/20000
1468 ~1/40000
I wish that a script in which you can precisely set the shutter time would exist, and not bracketing, cause when bracketing you can hear the camera "getting tired" and working more and more slowly.
maybe it would go to even lower times if it wasn't bracketing