Here is something a little interesting (but maybe not of much use) that I'm not sure if it's been noticed. This is on the SX10 and possibly others with a dedicated video record button.
Whatever mode the camera is set to, when video record is started, the mode numbers in propcase 49 & 50 increase by 1024 (0x400 HEX):
Video: 2597 -> 3621
Sports: 33287 -> 34311
Yes, this is the same on SD990 if you program the DP button to start video. Good to know SX10 behaves the same way. I need to update mode_get etc to support this.
If anyone can confirm that the other cameras with movie button/shortcut (esp the older ones ) behave the same way, that would be helpful.
Going the other way, setting the modenumber +1024, the camera basically switches to that mode (without the mode icon though). Also, the exif mode comes up as MovieSnap.
Hmm, if you take a still while shooting video, is that what is in the exif ? (and does the propcase change)
Maybe not of a lot of use though. I tried initiating a script while video record was on, but it ends the video record and takes a picture in the mode that the actual dial is set to.
It needs to be supported on the get_ side somehow, otherwise CHDK is confused about what mode it is in. I'm not totally sure how to do this yet, it will require some reworking.
One thing I can't find, is how do I initiate video record with a script on the sx10? It has a dedicated video record button, so using "shoot()" or the others actually takes a photo, it doesn't start video record and I don't seem to see a script actio to start video, am I missing something?
KEY_VIDEO is in the keyboard map, so I assume you can send that from script. If not, you can presumably use
Re long shutter: This is an feature of cameras that don't have full manual, I wouldn't expect it to be useful on cameras that have real manual.
the 2600 series modes are canon timelapse on the cameras that have it. You can the find propcase that controls canon timelapse on the wiki, might be worth a try. edit: but not for all, a2000 uses this for regular video!
Video color accent/swap: are thse not available normally on the sx10 ?
regarding propcase 50, can you describe how it behaves with other modes ?
Thanks again for your testing.