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Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons

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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #180 on: 07 / December / 2009, 14:42:26 »
can you try canon mode 32774 ? Maybe this is also long shutter mode (I had it as MYCOLORS on some other cameras, but that's already on a different mode for this one)
32774 is Long Shutter mode in SX10 as well.  It just shows up as AUTO on screen and Program AE in exif.
The mode doesn't work fully on SX10.  The shutter speed at half press shows up as 1s (or greater if Tv/M is set to greater than 1s, but never less), but the actual shutter speed used is that selected in Tv/M.

Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #181 on: 07 / December / 2009, 16:40:21 »
OK, here is a list of all the modes, normal and hidden, for the SX10 that I dug up out of the firmware.
The modes have all been tested and load up (I haven't included any the freeze the camera).
For hidden modes, I didn't try to fully test and check them all, so some are listed as unknown for status, meaning I don't know if they do what the mode usually does.

Normal means it's regular mode selectable on the mode dial.

Mode Number     Mode                         Status                          Notes                                                     
2597VideoNormal Mode
2598Video: Color AccentHidden - WorkingUses setting from Scene: Color Accent
2599Video: Color SwapHidden - WorkingUses setting from Scene: Color Swap
2600Video: ?Hidden - Unknown
2601Video: ?Hidden - Unknown
2602Video: ?Hidden - Unknown
2603Video: ?Hidden - Unknown
2604Video: ?Hidden - Unknown
16398Scene: Night SceneNormal
16401Scene: IndoorNormal
16402Scene: SunsetNormal
16403Scene: FoliageNormal
16404Scene: SnowNormal
16405Scene: BeachNormal
16406Scene: FireworksNormal
16408Scene: AquariumNormal
16413Scene: ISO3200Normal
16414ISO6400Hidden - Nonfunctional
16923Scene: Color AccentNormal
16924Scene: Color SwapNormal
32773MacroHidden - WorkingSame as using normal macro focus
32774Long ShutterHidden - NonfunctionalShows shutter >1s, uses shutter from Tv/M
32779Night SnapshotNormal
32784Kids&PetsHidden - Unknown
32791UnderwaterHidden - Unknown
32793Fast ShutterHidden - Working
32794Slow ShutterHidden - Working
33288Digital MacroHidden - WorkingDigital zoom must be enabled
33289Super MacroHidden - WorkingCan also use digital zoom
33290Stitch assistNormal
33295Creative Light EffectHidden - Nonfunctional
33311EasyHidden - Unknown
33312Quick ShotHidden - Unknown


Offline reyalp

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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #182 on: 07 / December / 2009, 17:43:48 »
Here is something a little interesting (but maybe not of much use) that I'm not sure if it's been noticed. This is on the SX10 and possibly others with a dedicated video record button.
Whatever mode the camera is set to, when video record is started, the mode numbers in propcase 49 & 50 increase by 1024 (0x400 HEX):
Video: 2597 -> 3621
Sports: 33287 -> 34311
Yes, this is the same on SD990 if you program the DP button to start video. Good to know SX10 behaves the same way. I need to update mode_get etc to support this.

If anyone can confirm that the other cameras with movie button/shortcut (esp the older ones ) behave the same way, that would be helpful.
Going the other way, setting the modenumber +1024, the camera basically switches to that mode (without the mode icon though).  Also, the exif mode comes up as MovieSnap.
Hmm, if you take a still while shooting video, is that what is in the exif ? (and does the propcase change)

Maybe not of a lot of use though.   I tried initiating a script while video record was on, but it ends the video record and takes a picture in the mode that the actual dial is set to.
It needs to be supported on the get_ side somehow, otherwise CHDK is confused about what mode it is in. I'm not totally sure how to do this yet, it will require some reworking.
One thing I can't find, is how do I initiate video record with a script on the sx10?  It has a dedicated video record button, so using "shoot()" or the others actually takes a photo, it doesn't start video record and I don't seem to see a script actio to start video, am I missing something?
KEY_VIDEO is in the keyboard map, so I assume you can send that from script. If not, you can presumably use

Re long shutter: This is an feature of cameras that don't have full manual, I wouldn't expect it to be useful on cameras that have real manual.

the 2600 series modes are canon timelapse on the cameras that have it. You can the find propcase that controls canon timelapse on the wiki, might be worth a try. edit: but not for all, a2000 uses this for regular video!

Video color accent/swap: are thse not available normally on the sx10 ?

regarding propcase 50, can you describe how it behaves with other modes ?

Thanks again for your testing.
« Last Edit: 08 / December / 2009, 20:08:30 by reyalp »
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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #183 on: 07 / December / 2009, 17:49:41 »
@barberofcivil, it didn't combine Manual/Digital, set_capture_mode_canon(37) just used to set the A590IS to  macro mode with the old modemap. set_capture_mode_canon (33288) does the same thing.
I'm sorry, but set_capture_mode doesn't do anything different from set_capture_mode_cannon. It can only be an error on your part, or something random. Look at the C code yourself if you don't believe me. Substituting _canon in only the second call in your script will do exactly the same thing that happened with the old modemap as far as the camera is concerned.
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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #184 on: 07 / December / 2009, 18:15:09 »
One thing I can't find, is how do I initiate video record with a script on the sx10?  It has a dedicated video record button, so using "shoot()" or the others actually takes a photo, it doesn't start video record and I don't seem to see a script actio to start video, am I missing something?


Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #185 on: 07 / December / 2009, 19:59:31 »
Hmm, if you take a still while shooting video, is that what is in the exif ? (and does the propcase change)

KEY_VIDEO is in the keyboard map, so I assume you can send that from script. If not, you can presumably use
Thanks. I have a couple items I want to check with this.

Video color accent/swap: are thse not available normally on the sx10 ?
Yes, indirectly.  By setting the camera to this mode for shooting and starting a video.  That is somewhat the advantage of the video button, you can start in any mode.  May be of use to know that it can be set directly though.


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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #186 on: 07 / December / 2009, 22:40:58 »
Modemap cleanup:
I'm going to try to make all the mode constants match their canon descriptions. Here's what I have so far

MODE_NIGHT->MODE_NIGHT_SCENE called "night scene" in canon descriptions not to be confused with "special scene" modes that get the SCN prefix. There is also a SCN version of this on some cameras, currently called NIGHT1 or NIGHT
+ MODE_LONG_SHUTTER was mostly shared with "night scene" or missing from the modemap but functions completely differently

the following were all redundant names for the same thing (based on canon manuals). The value closer to the canon description will be used. Some of these have both SCN and non SCN variants

Note that various cameras individually have used these inconsistently. This will be cleaned up as much as I can, but errors are likely to remain!

I'm unsure what to do with the modes that have both SCN and non-SCN variants that refer to the same functionality. I don't see why we would ever care about the distinction, but canon does use different ranges of constants for them. For the first step of the cleanup, I'll keep the SCN_ distinction, but suggestions are welcome.
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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #187 on: 08 / December / 2009, 02:05:48 »
Whatever mode the camera is set to, when video record is started, the mode numbers in propcase 49 & 50 increase by 1024 (0x400 HEX)

If anyone can confirm that the other cameras with movie button/shortcut (esp the older ones ) behave the same way, that would be helpful.

It's the same on the SD870 when using the shortcut button, registered with "Rec. movie", e.g. from M mode: 32772 ->33796 -> 32772.


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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #188 on: 08 / December / 2009, 11:09:41 »
re S3is extra modes  (8218 and 4215)
I know one of the above has been associated with the C (custom) mode could the other be associated with the fitting of a converter lens ?

The Canon Menu has a software three-way switch effectively Wide angle, Extra Zoom and off.  Presumably the camera is told  to make some adjustments. The switch position does not seem to change Exif values, I have not tried with either converter in place.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #189 on: 08 / December / 2009, 18:19:48 »
re S3is extra modes  (8218 and 4215)
I know one of the above has been associated with the C (custom) mode could the other be associated with the fitting of a converter lens ?
I wouldn't expect the converter to have it's own mode, since you could use any mode with it, right ?

For C mode (which I would guess is 8218) can you test as described here:,3228.msg44244.html#msg44244
If you can look for a propcase that is set to 8218 after you set this mode, that would also be helpful.

On propset 1 cameras like this, both #0 and #236 are known to show the shooting mode.
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