Motion Detector - paramaters - explanation - page 2 - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Motion Detector - paramaters - explanation

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Re: Motion Detector - paramaters - explanation
« Reply #10 on: 23 / April / 2008, 13:26:34 »
Yes, mostly you don't need more than one script with enough parameters to suit most shooting conditions. Lots of parameters makes a script difficult for a beginner, but I've actually been thinking of introducing a "preset" parameter in future versions of my MD script. If a preset is enabled, it would select a set of parameters known to work in some conditions (like "lightning photo" or "daytime porch surveillance video"). If something like this becomes popular in scripts in general, we should consider making the script settings and UBASIC more versatile with abilities such as saving/loading parameters sets for scripts, and for supporting enumerated parameter strings.

Did you read the documentation to my MD script here?
Fast MD with burst/preview mode

We're still learning how to use what we have and how different models behave in different modes, so having some organization in testing things would be good at some point. Also, the UBASIC code is still waiting for some changes to be written or released which will make it easier to write more cross-compatible scripts.


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Re: Motion Detector - paramaters - explanation
« Reply #11 on: 23 / April / 2008, 13:53:11 »
Well when searching for a MD script some weeks ago I just loaded the one I found on the wiki and I think one of them didn't seem to shoot my hand when tested so I just ended up with the one from "scripts for A640". Thus I havn't tested you script nor read your doc. Maybe I'll test it later this week/month.
But would be really cool if the "MD scripters" could join their forces and improve one only MD script (with tweaks for each cam). Maybe the first script I tested (and wasn't working) just needed a slight tweak for my cam. But was much faster to try another one.

Also it would be better imo if working scripts were released only on the wiki, and the script forums were only used for debates and help and other discussions about the finished or not scripts. Atm there are some scripts on the wiki on some others on the forums - confusing.
I suggested something like loading params here btw.

Also maybe have a clear difference between necessary settings for MD and "experts" settings (selected detection areas, colors etc).


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Re: Motion Detector - paramaters - explanation
« Reply #12 on: 23 / April / 2008, 15:03:04 »
But would be really cool if the "MD scripters" could join their forces and improve one only MD script (with tweaks for each cam). Maybe the first script I tested (and wasn't working) just needed a slight tweak for my cam. But was much faster to try another one.

Also it would be better imo if working scripts were released only on the wiki, and the script forums were only used for debates and help and other discussions about the finished or not scripts. Atm there are some scripts on the wiki on some others on the forums - confusing.

While you have a point, this is just one of the things where 'we aren't quite there yet'. People have their own applications and some have no applications at all but just like to create and test new exciting things, which of course results in a multitude of versions suited for each person's needs and also reflecting their ubasic skills. Most people only have one or two cameras to tinker with and obviously can't be expected to have a great deal of knowledge and interest in all other models and their scripts will of course reflect that. Mine are still very much a work in progress as is familiarizing myself with editing a wiki. Adding collaboration and a group effort to a hobby may make it feel like work and can result in some people may lose interest.
I suggested something like loading params here btw.

Also maybe have a clear difference between necessary settings for MD and "experts" settings (selected detection areas, colors etc).

With MD I find it hard to hide any expert settings, because the ones that are the hardest to understand are the ones that really really really need to be modified when adapting between two clearly different applications. Masking and color space are easily understood and quite independent of everything else, I don't consider them expert settings in any way. I mean, they can be hidden, removed or grouped together (actually I already grouped the masking settings by indenting them in a test version of my MD script to make things clearer), but the learning curve is in the other (mostly timing related) settings.

It's very easy to modify a full featured script to one 5 scripts with less settings, each for different purpose. You just need to come up with a few good sets of defaults for them.


Offline yvesson

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Re: Motion Detector - paramaters - explanation
« Reply #13 on: 23 / April / 2008, 15:36:40 »
Well about "work in progress" stuff, you can just release them as they do with softwares versions 0.1 0.2 then 1.0 etc to indicate where you are at to most users who are likely to be used to this kinda version numbers. Could use to "mod" when improving someone else script.

Well also about "editing the wiki" problems, there could be a script page with a "template" for scripters to fill when "releasing" their scripts (in fact there is already so. like this).

Also on the wiki "user-scripting" page, would be nice to have a per-cam view (users would add scripts they have tested or this may be somehow automated when you confirm the script is working on one cam model). That's why I suggested all scripts should be released on the wiki cause it's so much handier than reading 2 or more pages of a forum (forum used more for debating, discussing and wiki for sure tested things).
« Last Edit: 23 / April / 2008, 15:57:38 by yvesson »


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