This is the one I tried: I DL from Used this PowerShot A7101.00A
Unzipped and d ragged the CDHK folder as well, vers.req ,ps.fir, discboot.bin then put the card back in the camera and started it in view mode and scolled down to the bottom to look for firmware . It was no there.
I did delete the ver.req folder I created to when I went to check what firmware version I had. No sort of dazed and confused ;-)
Here is how I created the ver.req folder :
Q. How can I get the original firmware version number of my camera?A. To get the version number, you need to:
create a file called ver.req in the root directory of your SD card. If you're using Notepad on Windows, be sure you don't name it "ver.req.txt" by changing "Save as type" to display "all files". IMPORTANT: Note that it is spelled ver.req, as in VERsion REQuest, that Q is NOT a G, Type it correctly!!! switch on the camera in playback mode and wait for the main screen (don't switch on in rec mode and change to playback later) press the func set+disp. buttons together (press set first, hold it down, then press disp.).
You will see a string like Firmware Ver GM1.00E. The 1.00E part is the firmware version.
ver.req is just an empty dummy file.
I did not use notepad I just opened up up the card using the card reader and then created a new folder and renamed it to ver.req after that I followed the instructions to find out what firmware my camera was, as I mentioned it was Firmware
Next I tried below:
So the SD card should be completely empty when I do this? (remove all photos and videos)? Also my firmware version says its and the webpages show that somthing else should be showing like 1.0a or 1.0e I see nothing like that on my camera?
I dragged and dropped these files into the SD card using a card reader:
Then I followed your instructions on how to install the firmware >camera in review mode>turn on>menu>up button once> but no firmware update was shown (anywhere)
Still screwing with this, so far I have tried creating a folder on the SD card called vers.req and then extracted the files to it and tried that. Still nothing shows up on the camera screen when I check for firmware update. Also as the instructions have stated you might try pressing your playpack botton twice in 2 sec intervals (still nothing)
Next I removed everything from the card and this time I created a folder named ver.req and went through the same steps as mentioned above. Still no firmware update would show up. At this point I'm LOST.
As I mentioned to check the camers firmware version it states to create a folder and name it ver.req or vers.req and then hold down the set and then the disp buttons while the camea is in review mode. It states that I sould see a firmware version somthing like GM1.00a THAT I DO NOT. The only firmware version that shows up on the camera is version and nothing else. This also will show up even if I do not have the folder ver.req or vers.req loaded in on the SD card.
My next thought was perhaps that I need a firmware update from Canon so I went into there site to check if anything was available for XP and it showed no firmware updates are available.
Any ideas?