I am unable to enter ALT mode from ubasic on my IXUS 850 IS (SD800), using CHDK version 0.9.6-714.
Here is what I have tried:Edit: After looking through the code, I guess this was a stupid question. My problem is that some ubasic commands don't work, and the script cannot automate through simple button presses what one can do manually in ALT mode. Hence some of the following questions.
And several other questions:
- Is there a way to toggle MF mode and to check if the camera is in it?
- Why does the set_aflock 1 command produce a parsing error? Is there any other command that locks focus?
- When review mode is set to "hold", the shoot command takes 32 seconds, around 30 of them in review mode. I tried it with two get-and-print-time statements around it, and a click "shoot_half" does not help. When review mode is off, shoot works fine. Any ideas why? And is there a way to change the review mode?
- When I change the focus manually, the SD indicator (the white one in misc) shows that only certain SD values can be set. Until 136, any value can be set, after that the gaps become wider and wider, resulting in 181 possible values from 63 to inf. Is this normal? I recorded the values and went through them for a second time, and they had changed slightly. The next day, the last value before inf had changed from 7280 to 5352, and most of the other possible values were around the midpoints of the 'gaps' in my initial recording. Why does this happen? Is there any way to force a certain SD? Is there any way to get the next allowed SD value?
Thank you in advance!