NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project

  • 10 Replies
NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« on: 06 / March / 2009, 09:19:47 »
NASA, Gigapan, Ames Research Centre and West Virginia University are collaborating on stereo Gigapan images.

They are using an S5IS with SDM software.

Further details here

Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #1 on: 06 / March / 2009, 10:03:29 »
did they contact you? How about the license, gpl to bsd?

Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #2 on: 06 / March / 2009, 10:33:07 »
did they contact you?

No, I found it by chance while searching for something else.

I did not even know they had 'mirrored' the ZIP files.



Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #3 on: 22 / April / 2009, 22:30:07 »
Take a look at the Merlin/Orion/Papywizard project at:

There is a review of the Gigapan unit compared to the Merlin/Orion/Papywizard by mediavets.

The Merlin/Orion/Papywizard seems to be a far superior system for panorama photography.

Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #4 on: 23 / April / 2009, 14:55:33 »

My name is Dan and I am a member of the Stereo GigaPan team. On behalf of the rest of the people working on the Stereo GigaPan project I would like to thank all of you for the work that has been put into CHDK and specifically the SDM software. I personally am a very big fan of the CHDK project and have been referring people to your project for over a year now.

To be clear, our project has not altered the CHDK SDM software in any way - it is simply being used for its intended purpose (to capture stereo photo sets) within the context of a much larger process. The Stereo GigaPan project is a combination of existing hardware and software solutions (such as CHDK, VisionWorkbench, and GigaPan), original hardware and software development, and a process which can be followed to capture very large stereo data sets. These can be used for generating anaglyphs and 3D models. 

I am not a lawyer, however I do not believe that licensing is an issue here, but if it does become a problem we will take appropriate steps to resolve the situation without conflict. That said, it is our intention that the CHDK SDM software remain licensed under GPL, while our software becomes licensed under New BSD. We have no plans to integrate CHDK SDM software into our own software.

The CHDK SDM software we provide for download off our website is exactly the same software provided by the SDM website, GPL files and all. The instructions for use that are provided on our website were also taken from the SDM website (this is also stated on the instruction page) along with a link provided should anyone wish to see the most recent instructions provided by SDM. We included both the software and instructions on our website simply as a convenience to our users.

We have tried to make it clear that CHDK SDM is a separate project from ours, and we apologize for any lack of formalities we may have missed during the course of the development of our process (initial development was completed during the course of a very short period of time).

Again, thank you for the work you have put into CHDK - you have certainly provided the world with an excellent resource which is being used in many different contexts. If you have any more questions or concerns regarding our use of the CHDK SDM software, or if you would like to know more about the Stereo GigaPan process, please feel free to email me. my gmail address has the same username as the name I use on these forums.


Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #5 on: 23 / April / 2009, 17:44:29 »
we apologize for any lack of formalities we may have missed during the course of the development

Hi Dan.

Very nice to hear from you.

As the SDM 'author', I have no problems with 'lack of formalities' ... but there lies a tale you do not want to know   :)

i am very interested in this project and will follow it closely.





« Last Edit: 24 / April / 2009, 09:23:38 by databoy »

Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #7 on: 26 / April / 2009, 08:54:33 »

My name is Dan and I am a member of the Stereo GigaPan team....


Stereo Gigapan seems to be a *really* cool project, I've already been admiring the excellent Vision Workbench C++libraries from NASA and hoping for an early release to the public of their Ames Stereo Pipeline tools.

I read your project documents at the Class Group Website & Google Code. How are you guys progressing? Do you plan to release something that the rest of us can play with in the near future?

I wish you and your fellow WVU students all the very best.

Regards, Dermot
Mayo, Ireland

Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #8 on: 29 / April / 2009, 16:23:21 »
The objectives of the Stereo Gigapan project at West Virginia University:

"The objective of our project is to design alternative mounts for a GigaPan[4] unit capable of acquiring stereo images as well as a methodology and software tools for analysis of these images. Additionally, the new mounts will need to use a digital trigger in order to synchronize image capture. Once this is completed, we will work with the resulting stereo images to produce anaglyphs for rough visualization and detailed point clouds for building 3D models. Point clouds can then be cleaned up in post-processing and combined with the panoramic image data to build dynamic 3D meshes that can be inspected from any angle. Possible extensions for this project include advanced interactive visualization techniques, interfacing with a rover for remote control, and correlating multiple viewpoints for more accurate models, among other things."

Taken from:

Re: NASA/Gigapan Stereo Imaging Project
« Reply #9 on: 29 / April / 2009, 16:58:38 »
The objectives of the Stereo Gigapan project at West Virginia University:

I have now read that .... my head is hurting   :)

I wonder if any of it will be publically available ?



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