Maybe there's a mechanism in Linux to force the OS's view of the file system to be refreshed? ... the only thing I could think of, was to umount /dev/mmcblk0p1 and then re-mount it (on /mnt/sd). Unfortunately, every time I try it, the IP connection drops. Sometimes the link comes back up, without having to power-cycle, but I've not seen the mount command work yet (it gives "Invalid argument").
Can anyone help me with a problem I am having?I am finding that when I use the EAEB script, the camera runs indefinately rather than using the number of frames set. I have it setup as follows...2s delay - yesframes - 3step - +2direction - +/-Bulb min 1/4000Bulb max 15"I would expect this to take 3 shots - 1 at the base exposure and then 1 each side of it at +2 and -2. However the camera just continues to fire well beyond the 3 frames.I am sure this is not a bug but operator error but can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong? I am using the last release build 20131404-04.Thanks!
Hello,I have recently purchased a Sigma Contemporary 17-70 F2,8-4 DC and I have some problems with it. I try to rule out all possible causes, and one of them might be the custom firmware... Is it possible that the 400plus firmware has anything to do with it?
(BTW. Is removing the boot hook even possible? I tried flashing firmware 1.1.1 (which isn't available on my local canon website any more, had to find it on but the boot hook stayed, and the 400plus page also notes that reversing is not possible.)
the only thing I found is: the link is already dead and I doubt my problem is related to 400plus
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