Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI ) - page 182 - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )

  • 1871 Replies
Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1810 on: 28 / January / 2014, 04:23:52 »
Ops! I released version 20130414-05 a few days ago, but forgot to make the announcement here; only enhancement is the new Icelandic translation.

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1811 on: 13 / April / 2014, 10:29:18 »
Hi guys,

Great Project, thank you for doing it.

I would like to use it on my 400d also, but i cannot seem to make it work. A while ago(2-3 years back) there was another 400d hack Project, i dont remember its name or home page, but it was activated very much the same way. I have a autoexec.bin on my card and i have some (fewer) options in my print menu. now i tried to reflash this testfir.fir and according to what i see, it looks like it is applied normally, but when i change my autoexec files to latest from this Project, nothing happens and it starts as if there is no hack, and when i change them back, the old Project gets loaded.

Can you help me? I tried flashing to 1.0.5 and then 1.1.1 back again and reapplying everything to no avail.

Thank you,

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1812 on: 13 / April / 2014, 17:54:42 »
Hi guys,

Great Project, thank you for doing it.

I would like to use it on my 400d also, but i cannot seem to make it work. A while ago(2-3 years back) there was another 400d hack Project, i dont remember its name or home page, but it was activated very much the same way. I have a autoexec.bin on my card and i have some (fewer) options in my print menu. now i tried to reflash this testfir.fir and according to what i see, it looks like it is applied normally, but when i change my autoexec files to latest from this Project, nothing happens and it starts as if there is no hack, and when i change them back, the old Project gets loaded.

Can you help me? I tried flashing to 1.0.5 and then 1.1.1 back again and reapplying everything to no avail.

Thank you,

AFAIK, all versions and variants of this hack have always used the same method to "install" themselves into the camera. You should "update" the TESTFIR.FIR file just once, then your camera will be ready to use any hack. The fact that you can still use the old hack proves that your camera is ready, thus no further action is needed in this field.

Now, when a prepared camera starts, it checks the card: if the card is also prepared, the camera will look for the AUTOEXEC.BIN fine. If the camera finds the file, it will execute it; otherwise, the camera will fail to boot. Thus, if you can boot your camera with the card that contains the new version of the hack, it means that the camera does not recognize the card. I would try to format and prepare that card again.

Or perhaps you are trying to use the new version of the hack just like you used the old version; this hack has changed a lot in the last years, and you will need to have a look to the user guide.

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1813 on: 15 / April / 2014, 13:47:45 »
Thank you for the hint. I have 2 old cards, one 2GB one 4GB, replacing files on 2GB worked, but not on the 4GB. Old Project worked fine on the 4GB, then i saw that the 2GB was FAT and not FAT32, so i reformatted 4GB to FAT also and used EOScard, then set flags and then it worked fine. I have the latest nightly build btw.

Although the hack manual says FAT32 should work as well...

Thank You again.


Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1814 on: 15 / April / 2014, 16:48:37 »
Well, it works on both version of the FAT filesystem; but, depending on the method you are using to prepare each card, there are some differences on how to do it.

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1815 on: 16 / April / 2014, 16:03:03 »
I used the same EOSCard app for both FAT and FAT32, was i doing it wrong? There wasn't anything really to do wrong.

Anyway, i was hoping you could explain the ISO in viewfinder feature. I was able to get it working but it works very weirdly. I have the D-pad enabled from the hack. When i view through the viewfinder and half-press the shutter button and then the up button, nothing happens. When i release the shutter button and press the up key the ISO selection is displayed on the big screen. I am able to get it to work when i press the zoom in button or AF point selection button WHEN i look through the viewfinder, after that i half press shutter again and then i am able to change ISO as instructed. BUT after that i am not able to change ISO or white balance or metering mode the old way, i have to press AF point selection again and then press the shutter half way and then i am able to change ISO, AF and metering the old way again. I have to repeat all to change it again in the viewfinder. If it is supposed to work this way then it is very hard to use. Shouldn't it switch the mode automagically when the proximity sensor fires?

You should also know that i have custom function 4 set to 1, AE Lock/AF, if this changes things.


Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1816 on: 16 / April / 2014, 17:33:45 »
I used the same EOSCard app for both FAT and FAT32, was i doing it wrong? There wasn't anything really to do wrong.

Sorry. I have never used EOSCard.

Anyway, i was hoping you could explain the ISO in viewfinder feature. I was able to get it working but it works very weirdly. I have the D-pad enabled from the hack. When i view through the viewfinder and half-press the shutter button and then the up button, nothing happens. When i release the shutter button and press the up key the ISO selection is displayed on the big screen. I am able to get it to work when i press the zoom in button or AF point selection button WHEN i look through the viewfinder, after that i half press shutter again and then i am able to change ISO as instructed. BUT after that i am not able to change ISO or white balance or metering mode the old way, i have to press AF point selection again and then press the shutter half way and then i am able to change ISO, AF and metering the old way again. I have to repeat all to change it again in the viewfinder. If it is supposed to work this way then it is very hard to use. Shouldn't it switch the mode automagically when the proximity sensor fires?

You should also know that i have custom function 4 set to 1, AE Lock/AF, if this changes things.


The ISO in the viewfinder works only while you are looking through the viewfinder and the camera is displaying the shutter speed and aperture on the viewfinder. You just have to look through the viewfinder, take a measurement, and use the LEFT/UP/RIGHT buttons.

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1817 on: 28 / April / 2014, 09:24:42 »
That's the point, i am looking through the viewfinder, and while i am looking through the viewfinder and pressing the ISO(UP) button the big screen turns on instead of dislaying the actual ISO value inside the viewfinder. To be able to change/view ISO through viewfinder you have to do what i described before.

Perhaps i could make a video of this to explain better, as a programmer myself, i imagine how you would like to flag it as "works-for-me" right now :)

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1818 on: 28 / April / 2014, 11:15:06 »
That's the point, i am looking through the viewfinder, and while i am looking through the viewfinder and pressing the ISO(UP) button the big screen turns on instead of dislaying the actual ISO value inside the viewfinder. To be able to change/view ISO through viewfinder you have to do what i described before.

Perhaps i could make a video of this to explain better, as a programmer myself, i imagine how you would like to flag it as "works-for-me" right now :)

Ok, I think I got it.

First, make sure that you have the "Use D-Pad" option enabled. Then, while looking through the viewfinder, half-press and release the shutter button; now you can use LEFT/UP/RIGHT buttons for the "ISO in viewfinder" feature, as long as the viewfinder remains lit.

If you keep the shutter half-pressed and then use the keypad, then "ISO in viewfinder" does not work (this is a known limitation); but I have also noticed that a wrong shutter speed may be set (this is a new bug I just discovered).

Hope this helps!

New BETA version available
« Reply #1819 on: 22 / May / 2014, 08:50:28 »
Hi there!

There has been little activity around here lately, but the project is still alive; as long as I have this camera (let's hope it does not break), I have the intention of keep working in 400plus.

Thinking about next version, I have decided to release BETA versions as soon as we reach relevant milestones. I think this workflow will make it easier to follow the project, test new features, detect new bugs, ... I released version 20140521-BETA a couple of days ago; you can find it in the upcoming folder.

There are no user-related improvements in this version, but it incorporates a new "cache hack" (thanks mostly to Sergei and OxAF), and I wanted to make sure that everything works properly before adding new features. I have also recovered the overlay code from previous versions; this feature was the cause of many camera lock-ups, so more camera lock-ups are expected.

Google has changed the terms and conditions of the service that they provided to host our project: we can no longer put our downloads there, and thus I had to move everything to my Google Drive account. All links at the project's site have been updated, but if you find any difficulties downloading files, please let me know as soon as possible.

Please, remember that this is a BETA version, and this is an experimental project; if you really want to "use" your camera, it's better that you stick to the latest official release (20130414-05). This version is intended only for those who want to "play" with their cameras.



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