I just revitalized my 400d ... but note that using EOScard (unless under Win 7) you must remove all stuff it creates, before dropping the 400plus autoexec and language file, so may be somebody must change the "Preparing each card" section?
anyway, AUTO ISO works, apparently ...i.e. you set it, point at something bright and it says e.g. 100 ISO, then point to something dark and it says e.g. 1600, you shoot and after that it says always 1600 even if your are pointing at the sun core!
you set it, point at something bright and it says 100 ISO, then point to something dark and it says 1600, you click the ISO button, and after that AUTO ISO is killed
moreover, "Show ISO in Viewfinder" doesn't work at all and "DP for changing ISO" does nothing ...
1: Has someone translated the latest version into German? A lot of menus are still in English!
2: user's guide: German translation has a lot of errors ans is based on an old version of the user's guide. How can i help to translate it?
3. were can i find the ISO in viewfinder menu in the German menu?
mov r0, #0 bl 0xffff8cf0 loop: b loop
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