Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI ) - page 187 - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )

  • 1871 Replies
Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1860 on: 06 / March / 2016, 18:33:02 »
I improved the display on the AEB shortcut; there is a new BETA release at:

I have also been preparing the user guide for the next release, there is a preview at:

This BETA will probably become the new STABLE release.

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1861 on: 07 / March / 2016, 17:49:06 »
I had the intention of not making any further changes, but I could not help myself and worked on the flash and AEB shortcuts:

I have also updated the preview documentation:

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1862 on: 05 / April / 2016, 03:03:22 »
After some intensive testing, I have decided to release the latest beta as a new stable release. Files can be downloaded at https://github.com/400plus/400plus/releases/tag/20160404-01, and the changes from the previous version are the same that I have been commenting during the beta cycle:

* Fixed Polish translation.
* 400plus now stores all files (except AUTOEXEC.BIN) in a folder called 400PLUS; you may create such folder and move the files yourself, or 400plus will do it automatically for you.
* "Quick exposure" now works continuously while you are holding the DOWN button down.
* "Fixed exposure" now works while you are holding the SET button down; there is no need to press once to enable the feature and once again to disable it.
* In the "Long exposure calculator", you can now change the Ev, and the calculator will compensate by changing the exposure time; you no longer need to play with the exposure time to achieve the desired Ev.
* When pressing the DP button to enter 400plus' menu, the original menu does not flash in the display.
* When the "Better DISP button" is active, press the DISP button once then cycle through the brightness levels using the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT buttons, then press SET to leave the feature; pressing DISP twice will switch the display off.
* Actions attached to TRASH and JUMP buttons are now called shortcuts, and work a bit different. In general, you must hold down the JUMP or TRASH button, then use UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT to use the feature. There is also some info on the display about the active shortcut.

Hope you enjoy it!

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1863 on: 06 / October / 2016, 02:23:21 »
New stable release announcement:

    Fix for fixed exposure.
    Fix for long exposure calculator.
    Fix for shortcuts for some custom functions.


Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1864 on: 08 / October / 2016, 19:04:08 »
Yet another stable release announcement:

    Fix for downloads using USB cable


Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1865 on: 22 / October / 2016, 10:47:09 »
Hello, I'm discovering this powerful firmware like Magic Lantern.

I've followed all the step, the firmware is ok. I can access to the new menu, but every items are "Auto ISO". The first time I could access to all. I stop my 400d for a time and when I try again, all the item are Auto Iso and I can't acces to the other parameter menu, script everything else...

As someone can help me ? Sorry my bad english, I try my best ;)

regards and thanks a lot for the usefull Firmware !

Re: Eos 400d ( Rebel XTI )
« Reply #1866 on: 23 / October / 2016, 11:03:50 »
Hello, I'm discovering this powerful firmware like Magic Lantern.

I've followed all the step, the firmware is ok. I can access to the new menu, but every items are "Auto ISO". The first time I could access to all. I stop my 400d for a time and when I try again, all the item are Auto Iso and I can't acces to the other parameter menu, script everything else...

As someone can help me ? Sorry my bad english, I try my best ;)

regards and thanks a lot for the usefull Firmware !

You may have a bad cf-card. I would try with another card.  Alternatively,  rename the bin file and the language file and copy new files to the card. Also rename the configuration files. If you just delete the files, you risk to use same bad space for the files again.
In case your card is good, you will have to wait for more competent answers :)

I'm enjoying the latest release here in Bangkok and have no issues. Would love to have a fast switch for "raw/no raw" on a button, but wouldn't call it an issue.

Issue 323 came back? Intervalometer only works when LCD display
« Reply #1867 on: 05 / August / 2017, 13:25:15 »
I yesterday installed the latest to my 400D and find that whenever the display is off, the intervalometer stops.  Looks like this previous issue:

Intervalometer only works when LCD display is on  auto-migrated Milestone-M2 Priority-Medium Type-Defect 
 #323 by GoogleCodeExporter was closed on Mar 14 2015

Did this come back, or is there a new setting somewhere to make this work?



Re: Issue 323 came back? Intervalometer only works when LCD display
« Reply #1868 on: 13 / August / 2017, 18:13:08 »
I yesterday installed the latest to my 400D and find that whenever the display is off, the intervalometer stops.  Looks like this previous issue:

Intervalometer only works when LCD display is on  auto-migrated Milestone-M2 Priority-Medium Type-Defect 
 #323 by GoogleCodeExporter was closed on Mar 14 2015

Did this come back, or is there a new setting somewhere to make this work?



If I recall correctly, there was the issue that switching the display off put the camera into a sleep mode, and thus no script could be run; that issue could not be solved. Is that same issue what you are experiencing now?

Re: Issue 323 came back? Intervalometer only works when LCD display
« Reply #1869 on: 15 / August / 2017, 13:33:24 »

If I recall correctly, there was the issue that switching the display off put the camera into a sleep mode, and thus no script could be run; that issue could not be solved. Is that same issue what you are experiencing now?

I guess it must be.  It looked like #323 was marked as fixed, so I thought there was a fix for this.  I suppose the only solution to save power is to set the display to dim.  The option to turn the display off for scripts is dangerous if it stops the script.

Anyway, thanks for 400PLUS - it has many great features.


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