ou can find the current active project called "400plus" here: http://code.google.com/p/400plus/
Please read the latest pages of this thread for up-to-date information.
NOTE: UPDATING IN PROGRESS.Canon EOS 400D hack.Summary of new features:
1. Maximum ISO value (From 1600 to 3200)
2. Customizable ISO value (ISO 16, 32, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200)
3. Spot Metering
4. Auto ISO function in A-DEP, M, AV, TV, P mode
5. Customizable Shutter Speed
6. Customizable AEB value (+-2.3EV, +-2.7EV, +-3.0EV, +-3.3EV, +-3.7EV, +-4.0EV, +-4.3EV, +-4.7EV, +-5.0EV)
7. Factory Menu
8. Focus Frame pattern
9. Shutter Count
10. Safety ShiftUnlock Guide:1. use a fully charged battery. you need CF CARD READER and windows. on a mac, use windows under bootcamp/vmware fusion.
2. update to latest firmware (1.1.1) by downloading the latest firmware, copying it into the root of CF, and running "update firmware" in the setup menu.
3. empty your CF, download testfir.fir from
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,1618.0.html and copy it into the root of your CF.
4. insert CF, and then run firmware update again using testfir.fir the screen will go blank. wait 5 minutes, turn off, take battery out and back in.
5. insert CF into card reader and perform a quick format.
6. download cardtricks 1.45 :
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,4214.0.html (first download link). Run it to self extract the archive. Run the binary extracted, choose CF drive, tick "cf boot sector" and then click "make bootable."
7. download latest autoexec.bin from the list below and copy the ONLY AUTOEXEC.BIN to CF card.
8. safely remove CF, insert it into camera.
Latest autoexec.bin13 Dec 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?pq6b8ssor0br9s6Fixed: Camera was resetting "realtime ISO change" flag after battery was pulled out.
13 Dec 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?sifobxd5x3iu7xxIn this file i changed a button which selects the center AF pattern from DP to Set button.
Added raw to full auto and other auto modes. Use DP in main screen to switch to raw or back to jpeg.
07 Dec 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?2nxtjmbhkjk4ldwNew: I couldn't get the dial work with custom AF patterns, so i split pattern selection. Use left, right, up, bottom and DP (for center) to change pattern.
Added "DP for changing ISO" in info screen.I probably should name it as "Non-Standard ISO"
01 Dec 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?fjaf266j7jao2l4New: This version will reset ISO to first lower "standard" ISO.
30 Nov 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?dnngy94dtgnjjp6Fixed: can't choose under 1600iso with print button ! Possible to put and see 3200iso, with left/right buttons, but I discover lower iso in Exif
28 Nov 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?g8ruauja8bc8kcdNew: AV compensation, Flash compensation and AEB works the same way as all other controls - left button to decrease and right button to increase
28 Nov 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?6vpwfpd8ovd67bdFixed print + zoom_in buttons combination.
Show ISO in viewfinder will not reset to Off anymore. I had it off, because it saves shutter speed twice (shutter as ISO and then old shutter) to show ISO in viewfinder. So it probably aging flash memory in camera.
Settings in Info menu now can be saved with set or print buttons.
26 Nov 2010
http://www.mediafire.com/?k4hdcaquw5acfdeAv comp (+-6)
Flash exp. comp (+-6)
AEB (+-6)
Safety Shift (on,off)
Release Count (display count)
Show ISO in Viewfinder (on,off)
Color Temperature (1800-11000K)
Flash (on,0ff)
AF Assist Beam (on,off)
Use Up and Down keys to change menu. Left and Right to change settings. Av+- to change a sign in Av comp and Flash exp comp. Av+- in Color Temperature will set temperature by preset values: 2200,3200,4000,5200,6000,7000K. Use Set to save (Av,Flash,AEB,ColorTemp.).
To change ISO(100,200,400,800,1600,3200) while looking through viewfinder press left or right key. If Show ISO in Viewfinder is on new ISO will be shown in viewfinder while key is pressed (only works in Tv and M modes. I didn't find memory location of info bar string).
ISO 16,32,40,50,80 was removed. Is there any benefit from ISOs lower than 100? You can't use it to lower Shutter speed or aperture.
01 Nov 2010
http://www.filefactory.com/file/b4170gd/n/autoexec_2010-11-01a.rarNew: Moved Safety Shift and AEB to Info screen. To get to Info screen press menu, then disp. button. Use Up, Down, Left and Right buttons to set.
*There are too many old autoexec.bin before this, please go through the forum