Hi again,
Here is my autoexec.bin that allow setting iso from 32,40, 50 .... 3200.
http://www.filefactory.com/file/ag5b25e/n/AUTOEXEC_BINTo set ISO: Press ISO button on your 400d and set ISO to 100, 200 ...1600, then press "Direct Print" button repeatedly to set ISO.
If you set ISO 100 and press Direct Print repeatedly, you will get
ISO: 100->125->160->32->40->50->80->100
Others are: 200-> 250-> 320 ; 400-> 500-> 640; 800->100->1250;
When you press Direct Print to change Iso, it change your Metering Mode to "Spot". Spot Metering is helpful when shooting object that is small and hight contrast to background. The downside is that you have to you change metering mode each time you change ISO with Direct Print button (if you don't like Spot)
Hope all normal 400D user (like me) can take advantage of this hack.
Thank you again Foldesa, Sekth and all Members!