I heard from some people (but didn't verify) that the camera can use a neutral density filter to act as an f stop. Which, if it's true, it kind of sucks.
On the other hand, does the A720 have all the f-stops it claims to have? I.e. is there any actual difference in the diaphragm aperture between 2.8 and 3.2 at wide angle, for instance?
- a readout of the current aperture (the one that the camera is really using during live preview)
#define SLIDER_WIDTH (HISTOGRAM_WIDTH*0.8)void gui_osd_draw_slider() { // These don't actually exist, so just make them 200 and 200 or somesuch int x=conf.slider_pos.x, y=conf.slider_pos.y; int sum=0, avg=0; static int old=0; color slider_color=COLOR_GREEN; int i; for(i=0; i<HISTO_WIDTH; i++) { avg+=histogram[HISTO_Y][i]; sum+=i*histogram[HISTO_Y][i]; } avg=sum/avg; avg-=HISTO_WIDTH*0.1; if(avg>SLIDER_WIDTH) avg=SLIDER_WIDTH; else if(avg<0) avg=0; if(old!=avg) { draw_filled_round_rect(x-4+old, y-5, x+4+old, y+6, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_TRANSPARENT)); if(avg>SLIDER_WIDTH*0.35 && avg<SLIDER_WIDTH*0.65) slider_color=COLOR_GREEN; else if(avg<SLIDER_WIDTH*0.1 || avg>SLIDER_WIDTH*0.9) slider_color=COLOR_RED; else slider_color=COLOR_YELLOW; draw_filled_round_rect(x-4+avg, y-5, x+4+avg, y+6, MAKE_COLOR(slider_color, COLOR_BLACK)); old=avg; } // Draw horizontal line draw_line(x, y, x+SLIDER_WIDTH, y, COLOR_WHITE); draw_line(x, y+1, x+SLIDER_WIDTH, y+1, COLOR_BLACK); // Draw plus sign draw_line(x-1+SLIDER_WIDTH, y-4, x+5+SLIDER_WIDTH, y-4, COLOR_BLACK); draw_line(x+SLIDER_WIDTH+2, y-7, x+SLIDER_WIDTH+2, y-1, COLOR_BLACK); draw_line(x-2+SLIDER_WIDTH, y-5, x+4+SLIDER_WIDTH, y-5, (avg>SLIDER_WIDTH/2)?slider_color:COLOR_WHITE); draw_line(x+SLIDER_WIDTH+1, y-8, x+SLIDER_WIDTH+1, y-2, (avg>SLIDER_WIDTH/2)?slider_color:COLOR_WHITE); // Draw minus sign draw_line(x-3, y-4, x+3, y-4, COLOR_BLACK); draw_line(x-4, y-5, x+2, y-5, (avg<SLIDER_WIDTH/2)?slider_color:COLOR_WHITE);}
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