CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS? - page 6 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?

  • 141 Replies
Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #50 on: 30 / May / 2009, 06:40:37 »
Ok, I found the AF lamp at 0xC223030, but the orange state LED (bi-state with green) is still missing.
I also got hold of a photodiode and tried to blink the firmware. However, either the photodiode or the mic in of my integrated soundcard is too slow to sample the blinking at a reasonable speed. At higher speeds, the signal is too bad, it looks like undersampled. As the flanks are still steep, I suspect my soundcard to be the culprit.
I hope someone alse has more success on dumping the firmware and we'll see a port to this cam soon.


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #51 on: 30 / May / 2009, 20:06:35 »
Ok, I found the AF lamp at 0xC223030, but the orange state LED (bi-state with green) is still missing.
I also got hold of a photodiode and tried to blink the firmware. However, either the photodiode or the mic in of my integrated soundcard is too slow to sample the blinking at a reasonable speed. At higher speeds, the signal is too bad, it looks like undersampled. As the flanks are still steep, I suspect my soundcard to be the culprit.
I hope someone alse has more success on dumping the firmware and we'll see a port to this cam soon.
A port requires a developer with access to the camera and time/motivation.

If you can blink out the first few kb of the firmware, that would probably give us enough to try to grab a dump using normal functions with the OS actually running, but without a developer to do the port, this may be wasted effort.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #52 on: 30 / May / 2009, 23:55:56 »
Just a quick question. Not sure if any other camera is like this one, but whiling filming in 720p you can currently only use 4X digital zoom. Is there any special reason they won't use the regular zoom with the filming?
The reason is that the regular zoom produce noise which is recording loudly to the film (because the mic is very close).

Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #53 on: 05 / June / 2009, 18:44:04 »
Any news? i really want CHDK for this camera

Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #54 on: 09 / June / 2009, 17:14:27 »
tommie-lie, could you post the final code and binary you made that correctly flashed firmware out via the LED? I'd like to give this a try, but I'm not sure how to correct the volatile error and which of the three code blocks is the correct one. If you could just post the correct code, compiler used, and a binary that would be great.
Cameras: SX200 IS 100c US, S3 IS US

Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #55 on: 11 / June / 2009, 15:55:54 »
I don't have a complete Code nor binary to dump out the whole firmware as I couldn't even get the test bytes out at a reasonable speed and I started without all the protocol and CRC stuff to keep the binary small.
Here is the code that works just blinks the ASCII characters 0 through 9 followed by "\n\r":
Code: [Select]
#define MIN_ADDRESS     0xFF810000

#define FW_SIZE         0x400000

#define START_SECTOR    2048

#define LED_PR 0xC0220134
#define LED_AF 0xC0223030

void led_on()
    volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR;

void led_off()
    volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR;

void send_byte(long b)
#define DELAY_SYNC   (45 * 500)
#define DELAY_SPACE  (50 * 500)
#define DELAY0       (1  * 500)
#define DELAY1       (25 * 500)

#define nop()   asm("nop\n")
#define on()    *led=0x46
#define off()   *led=0x44
#define delay(value) \
    for (i=0; i<value; ++i) { \
nop(); \
nop(); \

#define do_bit(i) \
        on(); \
if (b&(1<<i)) { \
    delay(DELAY1); \
} else { \
            delay(DELAY0); \
        } \
off(); \

    volatile long *led = (void*)LED_AF;
    int i;


    // data bits

void __attribute__((noreturn)) my_restart()

Adjust the DELAY* macros to make it faster/slower.

It should be save to declare any variable that points to the LED as volatile. It should even be save to declare any variable as volatile, it will make the code slower in theory, but I doubt you'll ever notice in practice and it shouldn't do any harm. is built without the factor of 500 for the delays, which is just the way the original blinker by grand does it. If your hardware is fast enough to correctly sample the bytes, you can try inserting all of the blinker code to dump the firmware. If you need help with this, I can provide the precompiled blinker firmware for you.

Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #56 on: 15 / June / 2009, 17:27:30 »
Just want to say that I also support people that are trying to port CHDK to SX200 IS.

Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #57 on: 17 / June / 2009, 01:25:09 »
We too, wanted to add that we're really waiting for this. The SX200 is a wonderful camera with excellent size. CHDK would make it an excellent product. It'd gain the ability to become one of those do-it-all cameras that get user for years.

Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #58 on: 17 / June / 2009, 03:02:15 »
Hi Guys
I have had my SX200 for about 2 months and would like to know what I can do to help?  I am looking forward using CHDK and can not wait for a working release.

I am a Software Engineer who dabbles in reverse engineering...
Cape Town
South Africa


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK for new Canon PowerShot SX200 IS?
« Reply #59 on: 17 / June / 2009, 03:22:47 »
Hi Guys
I have had my SX200 for about 2 months and would like to know what I can do to help?  I am looking forward using CHDK and can not wait for a working release.

Currently, we don't even have a firmware dump for this camera. If you read through this thread, you can find the work done so far.

@Akkarin, nakam
unfortunately, it doesn't matter how many people want it or how nice the camera is. What is needed is a developer with the skill, time and motivation who has the camera.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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