---------// canon 450d fw 1.0.9//--------------------------------------#define FW_ADDRESS 0xFF800000#define FW_SIZE 0x800000#define LEDBLUE 0xC02200E8#define O_WRONLY 1typedef int (*ft_open)(const char *name, int flags, int mode);typedef int (*ft_close)(int fd);typedef int (*ft_write)(int fd, void *buffer, long nbytes);typedef int (*ft_creat)(char *nm,int flg);typedef int (*ft_shdn)(void);int main(){ ft_open open; ft_creat create; ft_write write; ft_close close; ft_shdn shdn; int f = 0;// 0x00807128 - tUpdMgr open = (ft_open) 0x00916964; create = (ft_creat) 0x00916a30; write = (ft_write) 0x00916d28; close = (ft_close) 0x00916de0; shdn = (ft_shdn) 0x00807874; f = open("A:", 1, 0644); close(f); if (f>=0) { //create on A: f = create( "A:/DUMPA.DMP", O_WRONLY ); if ( f>=0 ) { write(f, (void*)FW_ADDRESS, FW_SIZE); close(f); shdn(); } }else{ f = open("B:", 1, 0644); close(f); if (f>=0) { //create on B: f = create( "B:/DUMPB.DMP", O_WRONLY ); if ( f>=0 ) { write(f, (void*)FW_ADDRESS, FW_SIZE); close(f); shdn(); } } } *((int *)LEDBLUE) = 0x46; //ON while(1){}; return 0;}---------
Hi Guys,I'm an experienced SW Developer, but new to this. Does anyone have a 450D firmware dump I can have a look at? I tried the russian link at the top but couldn't get it to download. Thanks in advance!
I was hoping someone had already decrypted it.
Can anyone suggest the best tool, or is the LED method most favoured for this?
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