I was just playing around with my "new" S3 from eBay
and I realised that the "sports" mode really works! I mean, I've used lots of other brands, and I must say that often, the "sports" mode only increase the shutter speed, without affecting focusing speed for instance. With the S3, I noticed that the camera increases the refresh rate, like when shooting 60 fps movies, hence increasing the focus speed. But I also noticed that the burst mode is slower than in P,A,S,M modes (and all others, too). So I wondered if the camera did not focus between frames, who knows, one may dream...
Well, it does!! Like an continuous AF on a dslr! And even if the framerate of the burst decreases, it is possible to follow a moving subject as the focus is actualized on each picture.
Ok, that's good, but not great. The problem is that the camera also increase dramatically the iso speed, and stops down the diaphragm, in order to get more of the subject in focus, I guess.
So I was wondering, as the camera DOES have the possibility to increase the refresh rate and to focus between frames in sports mode, would it be possible to activate these functions via the CHDK menu (I mean, for any shooting mode), instead of having to select the sports mode, which does arbitrary choices you cannot change?
Thanks in advance!