If the battery is rated 4AH for 12V, how many AH will I get after I regulate it down to 3.7? Common sense says exaclty the same, but I have the impression I should have a better result...
Also, the huge waste you mentioned did worry me (together with the heat dissipation), but what's an (easy and cheap) way to avoid it?
As per you considerations: It's an acid battery, not a gel battery, I don't know what that changes.
Also, the huge waste you mentioned did worry me (together with the heat dissipation), but what's an (easy and cheap) way to avoid it?A different regulator?I thought about a small transformer to transform the 12v in 6v before regulating it. Would that help? Would I also get more camera time?
Transformers need alternating current to work, you have DC.
The bottom line is that the easiest solution for you to improve the efficiency of your setup may very well be to find an inexpensive 6 volt Pb battery charger.
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