CFLAGS Parameter for GCC 4.3.3 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

CFLAGS Parameter for GCC 4.3.3

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CFLAGS Parameter for GCC 4.3.3
« on: 09 / April / 2009, 03:33:31 »
Hi all

Working on the SX1 IS Port until today I was only able to compile it using GCC 3.4.6....If switching to GCC 4.3.3 I'm running into the "BLX r12" issue.

I've checked "makefile" and the parameter set is CFLAGS+=-mtune=arm946e-s

I searched and read all threads here - regarding some information about GCC 4.3.3 and the CFLAGS - but no suggestion was working out ... My CHDK-Shell 2.12 is set to use CFLAGS+=-mtune=arm946e-s for the GCC4 Compiler...according to some threads of Geekmug, this version of CHDK-Shell should work with it...

i've tried different combinations (as suggested at different stages)

CFLAGS+=-mcpu=arm946e-s -march=armv5te
even the (wrong) CFLAGS+=-cpu=arm9

etc.... none is able to generate a proper Code.

Question: IS there a current update, of what to fix that CHDK-Shell will be able to compile with GCC 4.3.3? What Flag needs to be set now correctly?

Thanks for (further suggestions) or "the solution" :-)



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