extra long exposures (split from: Hardcore modding on a A530, thanks to CHDK! - page 2 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

extra long exposures (split from: Hardcore modding on a A530, thanks to CHDK!

  • 184 Replies
Hey, I was wondering...would it be possible to create a b-pose function via remote? Like on a slr, the shutter staying open as long as you do not press the remote button again, or realese the remote button (the former being a better idea, imho)?

Fudgey, great work!!!

Please, if it's posibble, I'd like to try out your modded CHDK on a A570. I'll beta-test your version too.

PM me or post it here!!


Offline RaduP

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RAW is not better than JPEG.
Here is DNG for 10 min exposure - CRW_0276.7z - 6.25MB

I think it looks much better. The noise pixels are confined to their place, they don't look like big spots on the picture :) That's basically what I hate the most about the camera sharpening.


Offline fudgey

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Okay, here are a570is 100e and 101a beta binaries (install them over a full CHDK trunk 727 autobuild package). I have shortly tested the 100e one, I don't have access to 101a. Download link:


Attached my patch to trunk 727. It includes ewavr's patch, i.e. this should work on all supported a530, a570 and a710 cameras.

It's possible that I have made typos that could cause bugs not present in ewavr's code. That's because I had to do a lot of manual work since I couldn't get the same sort of labeled disassembly from objdump that IDA outputs. I did test both long (up to 3 minutes) and short exposures and everything seemed fine, but I'm sure there are asm snippets there that aren't regularly jumped to in short tests where everything's going smoothly.

edit: updated patch and dl link according to ewavr's fixes below... :)
« Last Edit: 04 / April / 2009, 18:01:15 by fudgey »


Offline ewavr

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@ fudgey:


line 645 : "MOV    R1, R4\n"
Original code @0xFFD2467C: "MOV     R0, R4"

line 668: "MOV    R0, #0\n"
original code @0xFFD246CC:  "MOV     R3, #0"

I'll check other code tomorrow. I'm using TortoiseMerge (and IDA+asmify.sh) to verify large pieces of code.



line 570: "MOV    R1, R4\n"
original code @0xFFD2467C: "MOV    R0, R4\n"
line 593: "MOV    R0, #0\n"
original code @FFD246CC: "MOV    R3, #0\n"
line 678: "BL      sub_ffebcf48\n"
original code @FFEBCFBC: "BL      sub_FFEBCFBC"


edit2: diff is attached.
« Last Edit: 04 / April / 2009, 17:43:42 by ewavr »

Wow people, just WOW !!

Well at least we have A530, A570 and A710 !!

I'll grab the A570's and try it out.


Thanks EWAVR you made a great cam SPECTACULAR!   :o
Powershot SD1100 IS  FW 1.01A
CHDK autobuild 0.9.8-755
SDM 1.80

A MORE than well deserved thanks to all who made CHDK possible. It's made me a camera freak!


Offline esu

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What should I do to make this work in a S5 IS?


Offline fudgey

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Looks like ewavr added long exposures for a530, a710, ixus80, s3is, sx10 to trunk.

Any news on testing a570 101a so that we could add a570 too? a570 100e works fine for me already.


Offline PhyrePhoX

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ewavr, it doesnt seem to work on the s3is. 60 seconds - ok. 70 seconds and longer - not ok.

behaviour: when i set 70 seconds, and do a halfpress, the cam already shows 15", so it DOES notice the longer shutter. when i then press fully it takes a picture, but only with a very short duration. now here is the catch - the picture is very dark, so the real shutter that was used must be very short. BUT when i view this image in playmode, camera tells me it was shot with a 15" exposure.
very weird. no crash or the like.
thanks for your work!


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