So I pretty much give my Ixus 860 a fair beating, which resulted in a few grey pixels appearing in a 1px line near the bottom of the lcd. Not all the way across, only about 1cm in from the right side to the centre. Not really that annoying at all so I just left it be, assuming they were dead pixels on the lcd (I checked my photos and the grey pixels didnt affect the outcome at all).
All of a sudden, the pixels seem to have moved! As though the dead pixels came back to life and all migrated into one big blob.. and multiplied :/ Now I have a huge circle of grey at the bottom of my screen.
Because a picture is worth 1000 words -
(if you click on this one you can see the individual grey pixels, and there seem to be a halo of blue ones around them - that just confuses me)
Any ideas of the cause or possible solutions? I read somewhere dead ccd pixels are grey, but it's not affecting photos. And I always thought traditionally dead pixels are stuck as green or blue, not grey