CHDK + Gigapan - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

CHDK + Gigapan

  • 3 Replies
CHDK + Gigapan
« on: 22 / April / 2009, 17:12:47 »
Is it possible to tell CHDK to capture a photo with the digital output from the GigaPan-Imager?

I have ordered the GigaPan Epic 100 yesterday. (look at it: ).

I need a schematic to make the digital output signal from the GigaPan compatible with CHDK.

here is the forum link:

Name: forum
Passwort: gigalicious

And here are the most important infos:

"The Epic 100 image electronic shutter release works differently than the Beta units. It acts as a switch allowing current to flow between two of the conductors. It enables a gate on a NFET which allows current to be conducted through the channel from the source to the drain if there is a potential difference. The beta unit would output a 5 volt pulse for a duration of one second."

"When Options -> Expert Options -> Shutter method is set to "Remote port":
Y-R: Voltage spike up to 5v. Resistance drops, indeterminate resistance as my multimeter didn't display quick enough.
Y-B: As above.
R-B: Negligible/small voltage (0.01v), infinite resistance throughout.

>From this, I guess that R-B is the NFET gate you speak of, and the reason I see no change in resistance is because there is no voltage across the pins (in line with your above description)."

Das anyone have an idea? :'(

Re: CHDK + Gigapan
« Reply #1 on: 22 / April / 2009, 18:37:14 »
Das anyone have an idea? :'(

Well, look at this post about SDM,3270.0.html  and checkout the link.

I am under the impression they are adding USB triggering option to Gigapan.



Re: CHDK + Gigapan
« Reply #2 on: 22 / April / 2009, 22:34:21 »
Read my post at:,

Have a read of the My Autopano Forum site for more information.

Re: CHDK + Gigapan
« Reply #3 on: 23 / April / 2009, 13:06:33 »
These instructions seem to be for the beta imager! It seems that its output is different to the new epic units!
« Last Edit: 23 / April / 2009, 13:45:21 by dadaniel »


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