All I know, that get_tv96 calls shooting_get_tv96... which looks like
short shooting_get_tv96()
short tv96;
_GetPropertyCase(PROPCASE_TV, &tv96, sizeof(tv96));
return tv96;
. (ok, that might be a bit irrelevant...)
And this propcase (69 on digic2, 262 in digic3) seems to be updated only on shoot_half. At least on my cam.
So, if you want the "current" tv96, get it after pressing/clicking shoot_half.
By the way, if you want the script to react to user input, you could try even something like
if is_key "shoot_half" then gosub "focus_and_get_tv96"
if is_key "down" then goto "done_collecting"
goto "loop_collect_data"
. Also, consider using Lua.
Then there's is_pressed...
if is_pressed "up" then a=a+1
if is_pressed "down" then a=a-1
print a
goto "loop"
'nuff confused.