I'd like to get a couple/few cheap cameras that I can use the CHDK firmware to trigger photos using motion detection to snap pictures of some neighborhood kids who are causing some mischief around my house (turning on my sprinklers, leaving beer cans in the back yard, etc).
Basically, the things I need to do are:
1) take a photo in an automatic mode (auto exposure and autofocus) when motion is detected.
1a) it would be nice to have a threshold for how much motion so a stray cat or the tree waving in the wind doesn't set it off, but I'm willing to sort through photos if that's not an option.
1b) not take a photo every 100ms if someone is moving around outside - having a timer that forced a few seconds wait time between shots would be nice, too.
2) run off an AC adapter so I can plug it into an outlet by a window and let it set for a few days.
3) be the cheapest camera that will work for this type of thing. I'll end up with at least two or three of these.
Any suggestions???