Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen? - page 2 - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?

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Offline fbonomi

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #10 on: 07 / May / 2009, 17:31:42 »
Yes, I was saying to turn the display on just to see that the focus was no longer manual.

it's when you turn display off that it goes in autofocus. As I was saying:
i.e. as soon as you trn the display off the camera reverts to autofocus

How to determine this? because in the night the camera stops focusing properly if the display is off!!!


Offline barret

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #11 on: 08 / May / 2009, 07:06:00 »
first of all, i'm not using a570 or a590 but a550.
second: i'm using manual focus, set by CHDK - subject distance
third: i make lots of night shots, and no focus problems + lcd off.

hope this helps.


Offline fudgey

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #12 on: 08 / May / 2009, 13:44:56 »
Ah... that's not manual focus then. :)

That's autofocus which gets overriden using CHDK (this difference may be relevant for speed and lifetime of the camera's mechanical parts in very long timelapse use).

Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #13 on: 27 / May / 2009, 14:08:05 »
-->set-up the script
-->press alt(so you return to the normal canon menu)
-->switch off the display(with the disp button)
-->press alt(you come bach to the chdk menu)
--->than you press the shot button and the script will start with black display!

I'm trying to do this right now with the motion detection script and it doesn't seem to work. Is it because it uses the display for motion detection, or am I doing it wrong?
My Flickr Page
I use the chdk on my SX230 and SD1100 cameras, and I installed them using a Macbook, currently running 10.6.8.


Offline fudgey

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #14 on: 27 / May / 2009, 14:33:06 »
I'm trying to do this right now with the motion detection script and it doesn't seem to work. Is it because it uses the display for motion detection, or am I doing it wrong?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, for two reasons
1) Motion detector reads the live preview display buffer to find motion. If it isn't updated, there's no motion there.
2) When you turn off the display, only part of the power savings come from shutting the display and its backlight down. The camera also powers down the image sensor and things like manual focus and aperture. When you switch display off using the display button, there's no way the motion detector could work...the lens stays out so that you can take a photo reasonably fast and without wasting power in those motors, but don't let that fool you: the camera has it's eyes closed.

Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #15 on: 27 / May / 2009, 15:10:43 »
Thanks for the info, that makes sense. Do you know if there is any way to plug in an AC power adapter to a Powershot SD1100 / Ixus 80? I'm not sure if it even has a spot for a power adapter, but there is at least one jack that I don't know what its used for (I think its AV out though).
My Flickr Page
I use the chdk on my SX230 and SD1100 cameras, and I installed them using a Macbook, currently running 10.6.8.

Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #16 on: 27 / May / 2009, 20:56:00 »
to use an external PS on the sd1100 you need to get a dummy battery. if you look at the batt. door thers a little rubber flap where plug into the dummy batt. canon sells for around $70.
or you could try to make a dummy batt.
crappy set up.
Powershot SD1100 IS  FW 1.01A
CHDK autobuild 0.9.8-755
SDM 1.80

A MORE than well deserved thanks to all who made CHDK possible. It's made me a camera freak!

Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #17 on: 28 / May / 2009, 02:23:56 »
Good to know that Canon sells them though! And then they plug into the wall? That actually sounds like it might be useful, but I'm not going to go out and buy one right now ;-)
My Flickr Page
I use the chdk on my SX230 and SD1100 cameras, and I installed them using a Macbook, currently running 10.6.8.

Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #18 on: 02 / October / 2009, 19:28:43 »
I've got a SX110, and I'm trying to run the Ultra intervalometer script with the display off. I have tried turning off the display, then entering ALT and starting the script, but that turns on the display as soon as the first shot is taken and the screen is never turned off after that. Is there another way to do a timelapse with the screen off? Is there a better script I should be using?

I should add that I'm willing (and probably able) to modify an existing script to accomplish this if necessary.
« Last Edit: 02 / October / 2009, 19:51:53 by Gimzim »

Re: Ultra Intervalometer -- can I turn off the screen?
« Reply #19 on: 03 / October / 2009, 05:15:07 »
Is there another way to do a timelapse with the screen off? Is there a better script I should be using?

You may like to check the following :-


Replace DISKBOOT.BIN with SX10 version :-


Also download http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/sdm/file/common_files.zip and copy time_lapse.bas to your Scripts folder.


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