Version Confusion - CHDK Releases - CHDK Forum

Version Confusion

  • 1 Replies
Version Confusion
« on: 16 / May / 2009, 17:18:56 »
So I am eyeing CHDK with with lust in my heart, considering buying a Canon camera JUST so I can run chdk, and the question becomes "which version do I want, so that I can figure out which camera to buy?"

So I look in the FAQ, and on the Wiki, and none of it is helping.  In fact, nearly all the info I can find seems to be obsolete.  For instance, the wiki has the FAQ:
Q. I'm confused! What do I download? How is CHDK organized?
Which then goes on to talk about AllBest and MoreBest and such.  But those don't seem to exist anymore.  I guess these have been entirely replaced by the autobuilds?  I can accept that.  Meanwhile, forum searchs turn up topics like "when shall we go to version 1", whereas the current autobuilds seem to already be past version 1.    Good, I think.   (The autobuild page still caveats the autobuild versions as being "still under development, though.)

But what is the difference between 1.00a and 1.00e or 1.01a?  Are there feature differences, or do those minor changes just reflect support for different cameras?  If the former, is there a lis  Tt of features somewhere that says which versions have that feature?  Should I "help" by going through the wiki and StrikeThrough all the versioning info that seems to be obsolete?

(oh wait!  I think I get it.  The "firmware versions" on the supported camera list are the versions of the Canon internal firmware, NOT the version of the CHDK add-on firmware!  Right?   That explains a fair amount, although not the disappearance of AllBest/etc...)


Offline reyalp

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Re: Version Confusion
« Reply #1 on: 16 / May / 2009, 17:58:58 »
Q. I'm confused! What do I download? How is CHDK organized?
Which then goes on to talk about AllBest and MoreBest and such.  But those don't seem to exist anymore.  I guess these have been entirely replaced by the autobuilds?
Yes, "morebest" became the trunk, which is the autobuilds.
  I can accept that.  Meanwhile, forum searchs turn up topics like "when shall we go to version 1", whereas the current autobuilds seem to already be past version 1.    Good, I think.   (The autobuild page still caveats the autobuild versions as being "still under development, though.)
The latest autobuild version is 0.9.8, which is < 1.0.0
But what is the difference between 1.00a and 1.00e or 1.01a?  Are there feature differences, or do those minor changes just reflect support for different cameras?
oh wait!  I think I get it.  The "firmware versions" on the supported camera list are the versions of the Canon internal firmware, NOT the version of the CHDK add-on firmware!  Right?   That explains a fair amount, although not the disappearance of AllBest/etc...)
right, those are the particular canon version that a CHDK build goes with.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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