G10 Porting Process - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

G10 Porting Process

  • 177 Replies
G10 Porting Process
« on: 17 / May / 2009, 16:38:37 »
This is in the very early stages. So far I have identified the firmware vesion of my G10 as 1.03b ( Purchased May 09 ) and performed a dump using the UDumper method.

I have checked out the sources from svn and performd an initial build for g10/103b using g9/100i as a reference.

I haven't yet updated the wiki with this firmware version. Do the mods have a preference to where I should upload the file?



Online reyalp

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Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #1 on: 17 / May / 2009, 19:21:01 »
Upload it zshare or rapidshare or something or anywhere like that and post a link in http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,288.180.html

I'm sure someone will add it to the drop.io repository.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #2 on: 11 / June / 2009, 17:49:30 »

Any progress? I've been waiting for a port for the G10 for a while - not clever enough to do it myself!


Offline olf

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Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #3 on: 18 / June / 2009, 14:01:58 »
the firmware version of my G10 is GM1.04A.
Can I help somehow? I've got a Mac and I'm not familiar with any programming, though.

Maybe some people are wondering why CHDK would be useful for the well equipped G10.
Well, I definetely could need CHDK on my camera for these reasons:
- The exposure time in AV-mode is limited to 1 second. In twilight situations, one second is too short. A longer exposure time is useful if you want to shoot a series of photos using AEP (aperture bracketing) for HDR.
- Sometimes I would like to delete the RAWs and keep just the JPEGs. This is very handy if storage space is running short.
- I miss the zebra function in live view.

These are only some points that I noticed in the first days using the camera.

Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #4 on: 20 / June / 2009, 01:33:53 »
i just registered to this forum to say that i will probably get the g10 (i am still considering the lx3) in the coming days.. a lot of ppl would be pleased if such a project went into fruition :)

i agree w/ olf regarding the scripts to add. + shorter exposure
best regards

Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #5 on: 20 / June / 2009, 20:55:11 »
oh and what about 5 frames auto-braketing? or even 7. :)


Online reyalp

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Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #6 on: 20 / June / 2009, 21:26:08 »
oh and what about 5 frames auto-braketing? or even 7. :)
If there is a CHDK port to the G10, it will have pretty much the same features as CHDK has on other cameras.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #7 on: 23 / June / 2009, 23:05:28 »
I understand..

Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #8 on: 28 / June / 2009, 13:14:18 »

I'm trying to port CHDK to the G10, Firmware Version 104a (Dump available here: http://www.zshare.net/download/619706843eb7a2de/).

I'm somehow stuck, I hope someone can point me the right direction... :(

I already identified the LEDs and adjusted the wiki accordingly.

The boot process is fine in copy_and_restart() in loader/g10/resetcode/main.c - but startup() in platform/g10/main.c is never called :(

I've uploaded loader/g10/resetcode/main.c, platform/g10/sub/104a/makefile.inc and the disassembled boot- and restart-code of the firmware here: http://www.zshare.net/download/6197123834e2f819/

Anyone got any idea what I'm doing wrong?

OT: since I'm a non-windows user and couldn't find any Unix-Makefile for udumper, I've created one that works with Linux and MacOSX, it's uploaded here: http://www.zshare.net/download/6197098749c82973/

Re: G10 Porting Process
« Reply #9 on: 03 / July / 2009, 17:23:01 »
OK, I got it, guys... :)

Both the instructions in the WIKI for installing the toolchain on MacOSX and gentoo are wrong... :(
Both don't enable interworking on ARM - after compiling the stuff on my own my code works fine... - I'll place some warning in the WIKI ASAP.

I've uploaded the complete working g10/loader-code here: loader.tar.bz2 - 0.00MB

More code will come soon (at least I hope so ;) )....


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