rollout, peripheral, turntable photos - strips - slit - download while shooting - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

rollout, peripheral, turntable photos - strips - slit - download while shooting

  • 1 Replies
Hello, I would like to take a picture of a vase (or Campbell's soup can) on a turntable.  Is any of the following possible?  If I want the vase 3872 px tall x 3.1415926 * 2592 px wide (when rolled out) that would be ~8143 px wide (~30 MB per finished rollout photograph).  Worst case would be to take 8143 exposures [~81 GB]) and select and combine the middle strip of pixels from each exposure to make a 2d representation of my round object.

In this worst-case example, if my turntable could turn at 1/8143 revolutions, could I make an exposure with the camera; grab the image from the camera via USB cable; select the desired column of pixels, discard the original from the camera; and make the next exposure?

I hope someone will let me know what parts of this idea are suited to CHDK or what other methods have worked to make digital rollout photographs.

Thank you.

i can only give you tips for further research, it is an interesting application.

Using SDM (StereoData Maker) and PSRemote, you can certainly upload each image as it is taken and not store it on the camera.
PSRemote only supports certain Canon cameras.
There are other options for the Linux OS.
PSRemote can trigger the camera or SDM's time-lapse script can.
Using standard stepper motors and gears you will not get exactly 1/8143 of a revolution.
The programme ImageJ (and maybe Image Magic, Photoshop actions, etc) will extract the central strip.

SDM's sister-programme StereoPhoto Maker will combine the strips into a single image.



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