Ta-Da! New firmware update for 5d Mark II with full manual control! - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

Ta-Da! New firmware update for 5d Mark II with full manual control!

  • 4 Replies
Download available June 2, 2009.

Canon USA
« Last Edit: 26 / May / 2009, 23:15:44 by LukeSkaff »


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i guess they had to release it, now that a hacker shows serious efforts.
i wonder where now the money from the fundraiser will go to ;)
anyhows, i hope this firmware update will not stop hackers. maybe it even helps hackers adding even more new stuff, by comparing the old with the new firmware.

Re: Ta-Da! New firmware update for 5d Mark II with full manual control!
« Reply #2 on: 02 / June / 2009, 08:01:01 »
i guess they had to release it, now that a hacker shows serious efforts.
I'm not sure if Canon is able to to turn on a dime to produce a new firmware.  Maybe they were inspired to release it, but my guess is that it was in the pipe for a few months.
anyhows, i hope this firmware update will not stop hackers.
Ta-da!  Zero-day bootstrap of my code on the 1.1.0 firmware!  I only mapped out the initial entry points into DryOS to be able to re-write the version string and take over the init task, but plan to spend more time this week on finishing the port and releasing the code.

Re: Ta-Da! New firmware update for 5d Mark II with full manual control!
« Reply #3 on: 02 / June / 2009, 12:44:30 »
I don't think the release had much to do with the hackers as it did with lens sales.  Canon was loosing money because anyone serous about shooting video was buying nikon lenses with the aperture ring.

Also the no manual control has been a huge complaint from everyone who shoots video since the camera was released.

Re: Ta-Da! New firmware update for 5d Mark II with full manual control!
« Reply #4 on: 25 / July / 2009, 16:19:17 »
Well they certainly got the update in place pretty fast for such a recently released camera. I bought mine 5 Jul 09 and it was already v 1.1.0.

The thing I absolutely love about this camera is that the images actually look like film. When you look at them at 100% or more, instead of getting blocky grey clumps like other digital cameras I've seen, the images just get a little grainy. Exactly like a 4k scan of a color negative. Not to mention my 17mm lens is a 17mm lens and depth of field is exactly what you'd expect from faster lenses. Beautiful!



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