Night HDR Interval Script, Anomoly Solved *Works Now* - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Night HDR Interval Script, Anomoly Solved *Works Now*

  • 1 Replies
Night HDR Interval Script, Anomoly Solved *Works Now*
« on: 05 / June / 2009, 13:43:07 »
No Idea what's going on here, got an anomoly.
Camera is set on AV
With the way this is written, it should get brighter with each shot that's taken.
However it does some of the time, but not all of the time.

rem Author:Sam Ives
@title HDR Night Shot Shutter Speed Auto
@param d Initial Delay (Seconds)
@default d 2
@param g ISO (-1=hi,0=auto,1=80,..,5=800)
@default g 1

rem Shutter Time
rem Shot Number
rem Script Run Message
print "NightHDR Exp Shooting."

rem Time Before Script Starts
sleep d*1000

goto "shot"
  rem Set Aperture to 8.0
  set_av 18
  rem First Pass 0 seconds
  if n=1 then let t=0

  rem 2nd shot: 30 seconds
  if n=2 then let t=-471
  rem 3rd shot: 60 seconds
  if n=3 then let t=-567
  rem 4th shot: 120 seconds
  if n=4 then let t=-663
  rem 5th shot: 180 seconds
  if n=5 then let t=-719
  rem 6th shot: 240 seconds
  if n=6 then let t=-759
  rem 7th shot: 300 seconds
  if n=7 then let t=-790
  rem 8th shot: 360 seconds
  if n=8 then let t=-815
  print "Shot number", n
  set_iso g
  set_tv96_direct t
if n<=8 then goto "shot"

« Last Edit: 07 / June / 2009, 03:10:35 by Trulight »

« Reply #1 on: 07 / June / 2009, 03:08:32 »
rem Author:Sam Ives

rem This will shoot different night exposures.
rem Without having to touch the camera.
rem Made For Powershot S3

rem Camera Needs To Be In TV Mode

@title HDR Night Shot Shutter Speed Auto

rem Script Run Message
print "NightHDR Exp Shooting."

rem Time Before Script Starts (Sec*1000)
sleep 5000
rem Now we set up our camera values:

rem This Is The Loop For 7 Shots

for n = 1 to 7
  rem 1 Sec
  if n=1 then let t=0
  rem 15 Sec
  if n=2 then let t=-375
  rem 30 Sec
  if n=3 then let t=-471

  rem 45 Sec
  if n=4 then let t=-527

  rem 1 Min
  if n=5 then let t=-567

  rem 1:30 Min
  if n=6 then let t=-623

  rem 2 Min
  if n=7 then let t=-663
  print "Shot number", n
  set_tv96_direct t

next n

I will work more stuff into this later with camera value setups and such.


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