CoronaSequence("E:\adva\new1\2009\06\04\*.jpg", sort=2,textmode=1)
Crop(10, 10, 1590, 1190).BilinearResize(800, 600)
#this is a commentclip1=CoronaSequence("E:\adva\new1\2009\06\04\*.jpg", sort=2,textmode=1)clip2=CoronaSequence("E:\adva\new1\2009\06\05\*.jpg", sort=2,textmode=1)vid=clip1+clip2 #this is how we append filesvid.Crop(10, 10, 1590, 1190).BilinearResize(800, 600) #crop and resize, note the dots
"C:\Program Files\megui\tools\x264\x264.exe" --bitrate 1200 --partitions p8x8,b8x8,i4x4 --threads auto --thread-input --sar 1:1 --progress --no-psnr --no-ssim --output "imageSource.mp4" "imageSource.avs"
but seriously, using the method i suggest you dont need to create intermediate huge video files (getting a good compression from virtualDub is complex, u usualy have to compress twice. inside Vdub (uncompressed or fastCodec or hwatever) and again outside, no?).
pan=CoronaSequence("microfunguy.jpg") Animate(0,1500,"Crop", pan,0,0,600,800, pan,0,pan.height,600,800)
length=100pan=CoronaSequence("demo.jpg",stop=length)Animate(0,length,"BicubicResize", pan,600,800,0.33,0.33,0,24200,600,800, pan,600,800,0.33,0.33,0,0,600,800)#BicubicResize (clip, int target_width, int target_height, float "b", float "c", float "src_left", float "src_top", float "src_width", float "src_height")
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